These have been reported to be samples that are supposedly being released by Nike SB as of next year. Not much has been said but a picture is worth a thousand words and I can’t think of 1000 words that all mean hideous. This is truly not something I and many others will be looking forward to. Nike SB is all over the place and yesterday the Newcastle and 720 Dunk Lows were posted in a semi appealing color-ways and this just makes a wrong turn towards garbage. Via NSB.
that's just not right….
they aint that bad… they just really wild. They look like fakes though, and wht is with the rainbow nike swoosh? Lol
And is that supposed to be a spider web?
the swoosh isn't rainbow, it's just red fading to blue. and these is maaadddd hott!! yadedeimeen? too damn tight
those are HOT!! i like em…just not the multicolred swoosh. but i LIKE EM!!
oohh but they forced it with the yellow sole
the yellow sole kills it
yeah i knew there was sumthin ugly about dese nd it isz the outsole … It ThrOwz off the Whole SneaKer dey shudda just went wit red or sumthin.. hope itz just a sample.. nice concept tho
are u kidding me. these sneakers are the truth. Fire
These sneakers are the true 720 homage… 1980s skate style for sure. All you kids that were born in the late 80s and early 90s don't know what you're talking about.
If you want to reference the past, you have to do it right. These are awesome.
the should have jus made the swoosh yellow
all i have to say is WHY?!?!?!?!
i would feel it more if they either got rid of the red and blue multi colored swoosh or the gray and yellow midsoles…the colors dont match with each other..if i bought these sneakers they would just stay in my house..theres nothing that matches these..
These are sick ima cop a pair.
these bitches cold as hell when do they come out and how much they cost
Are there variants???? Nevermind……I've never seen a pair of fake kicks that looks so damned UGLY!!!!!
thoses dunks are hot as hell anybody hating on them just dont got good taste plan and simple
Yeah they is å weird combination of colors. But its summin about em that makes them çÕóŁ . Just don't know ₩#@Ψ it is though.
These boys is cold as hell
ayo ill probably copp if i got the mula at the time but not really plannin to get them
you dog these kicks yet you think the 720's and newcastle's look better?!
This is the meaning of bringing the '80's back. This is one funky looking pair of Dunks. Ugly as a baboon's ass. But for some strange reason I like them. Not to rock on the streets but, just to add to my collection. The colors are just all over the place and, on top of each other. If you can find the right gear to wear with these good luck(a plain white tee and, some blue, or black jeans can't help these). The concept is good but the colorway is awful. Maybe if they change that yellow sole, or change the colorway from white to…well any color but white, it would look better. Anyway these are just samples, so things are subject to change. I like the spider's web design around the toe box, and the ankle. I also like the red fading into the blue swoosh but, that fu*@ing yellow sole…UGH! It just looks akward with a grey mid-sole. Hopefully like I said things are subject to change with samples, and I hope Nike changes alot on these. Personally, i'll just stick to the What The Dunk's(I plan on coppin them next month no matter what's the damage to my pockets)if I want some real funky ass, ugly mash-up's. As for these, until Nike comes to the plate with a finished product(and a better looking one), these only get 1 * and a 1/2 out of 5.
um…i dont think they are ugly. i actually like them. guess its just my style.
You are supposed to be objective… why put new product on here if you are going to put it on blast? Your place is to provide information, not your opinion.
love em'… want em'…. need em'… GIVE ME EM'!! :) *
send me now or ill kill you
Not For nuttin i really like these sneakers and i dont know why there juss hot to m3 i defintely got to cop these when they cum out! The only part i dont like iz
the yellow sole!
these shoes go to haRRD hit me up wen i can order them
who ever rated these kicks have no true taste… Are you kidding me these kicks are way clean and fresh, they really give a feeling of a throwback and true 80's taste