To accommodate Puerto Rico Olympic Team, a limited Air Jordan 1 (I) Retro Low has released apart of the National Team Pack. It is said only 72 pairs released globally, with 48 in New York and 28 in Miami.
Every little detail on this Air Jordan 1 (I) Retro Low is inspired by Puerto Rico, for example the Blue, Red and White color-way, a Flag on the heel and another Flag with a basketball on the tongue and insole, finished with a frog on the inside tongue. Also released is a Puerto Rico Air Jordan T-Shirt. A few pairs have hit eBay and LTD.
Air Jordan 1 (I) Retro Low Puerto Rico National Team Pack
Air Jordan 1 (I) Retro Low Puerto Rico National Team Pack
fuck puerto rico those shits are ugly
what r u talking about your face is ugly
ok let me sleep on dem
copped and sold …
got them at shoe gallery bout a week ago or so
sold for 300
I swear people these days will buy anything just because of the brand…BASURA…..BASURA…..BASURA..
these are garbage and its not giving Puerto Ricans any justice…. You want to support Puerto Rico.. Go on online and find the Puerto Rico air forces.. save your money and dont buy these garbage….
these look like some air forces,a def not cop.these r pure ugly.
WACK.JB cannot make a hot sneaker to save their lives these days.
'Ur Boy' If you don't have anything nice to say. Why say anything at all? I'm going to assume you are a child but you need to grow up quick 'Ur Boy' because times are changing. Get out of your mom's house 'Ur Boy'. Because you wouldn't want her last thoughts to be disappointment. And if you don't have parents than I will take the time to teach you son. An adult would of said, "Those shoes don't look that good in my opinion." But no, you insulted a lot of people by that comment. You clearly act before thinking. And if your excuse is you don't care, then your ignorant and you were raised wrong and with that "don't give a f*ck attitude" you won't get anywhere in life. Trust me I only speak from experience. It may impress the girls and others with the same dense mindset but not men. No not men. And you can be 38 and still a boy. This I have seen in my day as well. A lot of my friends have made it out of poverty by thinking rational and using what helps them and throwing away the things that don't help them. Talking that way wont get you a job but it will get you respect amongst bums and girls of no class (which aren't worth a nickel but thats another lecture)I do feel like I am wasting my time because some boys never learn right from wrong and so we will see how you progress by your future comments on this site.
^ Sry for that long post gentlemen, had to at least try to school the kid. But as far as the shoes I am unfortunately going to have to get them. While I do agree the color is not the best. They are super limited and indeed expensive even for my taste. 270$ wow. Oh well I want to be one of the 72. Ordering tonight. Thanks for the heads up sneaker files!
why the fuck jb puttin out all these 1s like they sbs dunks or somethin all this fuck inspiration and shit
Im not puerto rican that flag on there is hot too bad it wasnt high top.
these are heat
make a mexico shoe! lol
thanks pro
^ no problem. I love you. thats why I am so strict on you.
Like FC Barcelona
U better shut the fck up about puerto rico
these are tight
It shows da ignorance of ppl des days….I aint Puerto rican but 2 disrespect sum 1's country is ignorant….if sum 1 sed f*** Jamicai r Haiti r Da U.S. yall wuld spaz…you guys r so dam ignorant…Yall need Jesus r n education n make sumthin of ur selves…Im only 15 half sum of yall age n have a more elaborate education dan Yall n demstockumallday u cant spell so dont type it…Thx pro for caring bout the youth
right on time for the pr parade
Why be limited?? They don't even look good.
"It is said only 72 pairs released globally, with 48 in New York and 28 in Miami."
It's a good thing SneakerFiles isn't in a business where numbers matter.
yo "ur boy" fuck you just mad because you arent puerto rican
Ayo, I'm not reppin but quit hating on Puerto Rico (I'm like 15% myself).
Nice lows, but since we're doing "National Team"s, why not make some more kicks for everybody's country? HAHA…They'd probably just put a white swoosh for USA!
Ayo anybody in miami and wanna cop dez, Shoe Gallery has em!
FUCK haiti and jamaica
I don't appreciate how some dimb fucks want to disrespect half of my heritage but fuck em' even if they not (most likely they can't get any but whateva.) I agree they aren't the best Puert Rico shoes ever but if they were dunks or another air force one I put money on it that they would be cold as alaska
damn Pro… chill wit da long azz comment my dude. damn I bet u were in the mood after watching kung-fu panda for 2 hours werent you?
Why iz Everyone Baggin on Puerto Rico? What Did It Ever Do To Us? I Meen The Shoes Could Be Bettah Cuz Thats To Much Red In One Place So Make The Nike Swoosh White Then It Would Look A Whole Lots Bettah! Other Than That The Shoe Is Straight.
Yo no offense pro but the i love u thing is frekin me out u dont even know me weirdo
lmao … funny comments in this one.. but yoooo make a dominican shoe!! lmao common!!! a dominican republic shoee AND THEY BETTAH BE HIGH TOP LOLZ yo idk wut yahh talking bout…. they look hot.. to my taste… but w,e keep that dominican shoe im mind lolz
too many fuckin 1s, its annoying
I love you all! and I got the shoes in this week. And contrary to what you gentlemen think, I am half white and half puerto rican. AND let me tell you I get all the girls of every nationality (and i love me some pale white booty!) And yes I look like a police officer. But when you guys are older you will realize what a blessing it is to not stand out and attract attention from police when on the grind. ALL FEAR THE WHITE MAN haha I love it. :) And besides everyone knows the only people that can stand toe to toe with blacks and trade fists is puerto ricans. I've done it and im blessed to have half my blood PR or else I would of end up hurt. Instead everyones punches feels like pillows. Good genes. Thanks MOM!
dayummmm yo we got sum hatas up in dis bitch
fuck outta here wid dat shidd!
I got the puerto rico 1s and I stay in new orleans and im not puerto rican either
fuck all ya'll haters. ya just hating cause you cant be puerto rican. you just mad cause you dont have shoe's for your race. and for all yall hating you can suck a dick and die.
raw ass shoes P.R ALL DAY
damn they looks hot as hell i like for reall there is the puerto rico flag every where u know we arein every part of these fucking world and i want know how much for them wat is the price i want them cuanto kieres por ellos me gustaron estan cabrones