Coming up this holiday season in the last month of 2011 is the release of the long awaited Air Jordan 11 “Concord”. Jordan Brand is now expected to keep you jolly next holiday season by offering the Air Jordan 11 “Columbia”. After over 10 years, the “Columbia 11’s” make their return. More details will pop up soon so stay updated by coming back to Sneakerfiles.
breds came out in 08
but they are coming out again douche bag!!
man yall tawlkin bout these shoes like its not a tomorro youll b alrite shut up get a life for gods sake at least yall killn me out hur
hahahahaha…the world aint endin neither stupid people
the BREDS came out in the package deal! you late. this will be the last shoe to come out before the world end……..buahhahahahahahahah
The Breds did come out in the package w/ the 12s , but they were debating on 2012s 11s coming out , between the Columbians or the Breds … So dont be surprised if the Breds come out 2013 . The world wont end , quit being stupid .
fuck u he world is not gonna end u stupid how stfu witrh all that bullshit ima get these shoes and where them on dec 22 012 so that way ur bitch ass will feel stupid so just know when u wake up on th 22 im wearing my columbias bitch
I hope you have a fun time wearing those bootleg colombias you are going to wear on the 22nd.
About damn time. Lol
I gotta say this is disappointing, they put the extra blue soles on other retros, but these they go with a clear sole, the OG had the columbia blue tint……
This is an old picture, calm down.
Well, if you recall the ’01 release of thesehad the non tinted sole as well, #panic
yea cause those were the RETROS these might have them
interesting..fact that they go with a white shoe for the holidays?? interesting..was thinking they would go bred…oh well. probably will cop!
I was thinking the BREDS would come out in 2012 but the COLUMBIA will suffice. This maybe a old pic but i believe they will put the blue “longer lasting” sole on these. MARK MY WORDS. Let me find out the world gon end in 2012?O_o
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Had these boys back in 96′ and they was/are still str8 fire. But I believe I will have to throw in the towel and str8 pass on these. Have every collection of the AJ 11’s except for these, but I figure just use my “Silver Collection” AJ11 as a replacement (lol, I know that doesnt complete the set and I might get negativity on it, but Ive kind of grown out of the ALL White based shoes. But its for a good cause now someone out there will be rocking a fresh pair of 10.5 on release date)
Saw this coming…’08 was BRED’s in the CDP, ’09 Space Jams, ’10 Cool Grey’s, ’11 Concord, ’12 Columbias. Don’t know what they’re gonna do for 2013, guess JB will have to turn to releasing the XI low’s in the OG colors. The Columbia’s were supposed to drop in a pack with the Obsidian XII’s, but either way they’re both dropping in ’12.
only logical they would release them……that should finish out the 11’s for holidays…..This is probably my favorite jordan of all time….its so clean and crisp but like all other holiday releases ill wait til the summer 2 rock
bro thats exactly what i did. cept for space jams i waited until two summers. totally worth it..
sneakerfiles you just made my day.. i cannot wait..
this shoe is one of my top 3 alltime great jordans
i still have a deadstock pair from 2000 …………………………..peace23
I can’t wait to these come out I was young as hell and had them and I need them again
i bet the icy sole will be put on these, the icy sole is the new JB style
thank god
I just have to say if you are mad about the concord’s and the columbia’s clear sole choice why arent you worried about the BREDS i mean if they could make these a little different what does that mean about the next shoes to come out.
at the end of the day they are 30 dollars more so you not making a different
Columbias are all time favorite. Waaaay better than the breds. Just saying.
ALL they 11s are fire but what is your fav colorway
So JB confirmed that the Breds are coming out holiday. Does this mean these prob will come out 2013?
is these comming out or fucking not?? can i order them online early?
What date do the come out
they come out december 21 2012
Are they still in stock? I need these now!!
All your mothers love cunt