By now, all of you sneakerheads should have the 21st of December marked on all of your release calendars. In case you can’t recall what day that is, that is the day the highly anticipated “Gamma Blue” Air Jordan XIs are scheduled to hit retailers. Fully equipped with a sleek blacked out color scheme, the touches of gamma blue surely won’t be hard to spot once they arrive on retail shelves next month. Read on after the jump to check out some fresh new detailed images at this upcoming release and be sure to drop us a line in the comments section below.
Air Jordan XI
Black/Gamma Blue-Varsity Maize
Photos via mmehanna
Richard Woodall
I might need these in my life
Jeremy Carabello
Rock em next summer
Saul Del Rio
David Kim
Quezly Snipes Abood Sadeh Vincent Dean BEVST!!!
Neal Zarate Dwight Dwiggity Soriano
I will get a pair or 6
Going to be a hard cop Peter
Mauricio Winston these are considered a necessity! Lol
When is the release?
When they come out
Not that hard. Bit it will be pandemonium for these
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These are definite hype beasts for the young and thirsty. No one over the age of 25 should be caught dead buying or rocking these….it’s just an embarrassing to see.
Have legit pairs for sell, follow my instagram at sneekpeak84. Video of them as well
Got mine already
Prochain achat date de sortie
cannot wait!
Gotta get
Where they gonna drop? Footlocker?
Eh, should’ve just rereleased the space jams is they were going to go this route.
Pas mal ..
Andre Parham Jeff Fort Jay Grimez Aaron Harris Maurice McDowell Solomon Baskin David Reed
im craving or this!!!! grrrr
Jordan just makes anything now smh
Im got dem already. 2 months n advance.
A must have
These are grabage, MJ should have retro the snake skin 11…
Juan Dela Cruz Kelvin Jimenez
These aren’t that tight though. They’re really whatever. Super overrated.
Must have
I got em already check mi photos
Not all 11s are awesome. This one is actually shit. But it will sell out faster than you can say “drop”. Why? Because hypebeasts.
SJ Junior
It will sell because it actually a nice sneaker and just because you don’t like them doesn’t mean other people don’t.
They’re ok. The box looks better lol
already copping
So ugly
Bentot Olanio Vicente
Kiwer de Christmas gift??
I want that
They will be on my feet Dec 21st buddy
A Christmas gift for myself…