seriously sneakerfiles you need to step your game up… doesn’t sell anything but fakes… why would you support them? please respond and tell me why
You took the words right out of my mouth. Its terrible that a legit site like SneakerFiles would recommend people to buy from this website that is selling b grades and gets a lot of customer controversy
I think the phrase you’re looking for is “formerly legit site”…. hence the reason they put out one article a week…. what sites do you cop from online that are off the beaten path and authentic???
These look like what shoeman sold back in ’06 ’07
seriously sneakerfiles you need to step your game up… doesn’t sell anything but fakes… why would you support them? please respond and tell me why
You took the words right out of my mouth. Its terrible that a legit site like SneakerFiles would recommend people to buy from this website that is selling b grades and gets a lot of customer controversy
I think the phrase you’re looking for is “formerly legit site”…. hence the reason they put out one article a week…. what sites do you cop from online that are off the beaten path and authentic???