In our Jordan Brand 2010 Preview, we showcased catalog scans of upcoming Air Jordans, including the highly sought after “Infrared” Air Jordan 6 (VI). Jordan Brand will be bringing back one of the most popular sneakers ever next year, but there will be two catches. The first is that varsity red will replace infrared accents, and the second catch is that the sneaker will come in suede rather than the original nubuck material. Other key aspects of this AJ 6 are the out-sole which appears to be white rather than a clear sole and the air bubble which is black rather than clear. Please be aware that this pair is only a sample, and we will surely keep you up to date as soon as any more information or pictures become available. The Air Jordan 6 (VI) Retro – Black/Varsity Red is scheduled to release in January 2010.
Via Gradient Magazine.
pure shit
finally life is complete :)
These r sik hope they dnt rise over 150 or JB is straight up just tryn to get the most money they can from there best shoes til they stop coming up with new ideas. And as we al knw thats al guna b fusions and below average team models. whos with me on this?? Plus they better not have any changes to them bsides the suede and color scheme, Aj VI need clear icey soles!!!!
Damn…i had my hopes up that they would be infrared……pretty dissapointing
suede & varsity red is a very small price to pay for these…
Fuck there not infared =[=[=[=
F*** Yeah there not the infrareds but jb startin on the right foot.
aesy cop. might even get two
WTF!!! Why would they make the bottoms white
Dope! Now I'm just waiting on JB to make a White/Infrared Retro. I'll cop these.
dont everyone think that jordan brand should drop the boudreauxs in honor of michael jackson on his birthday seeing as they were featured in the bad video with jordan in it and his birthday which is on the 29th of august which is a saturday by the way would be alike a perfect way for jordan to do some kind of tribute to him. i know im not the only one thinking that or am i? hey jordan brand if youre looking at this lets make it happen
damnnnnnn sickkkkkkkk!!
the bottom better not be white!!
Personally, i like these. i am definitely disappointed that they are not infrareds. but i am definetly happy with this colorway of the 6's. people are just mad they are not infrareds and should be happy about this solid colorway from JB. If people weren't so worried about the infrareds this colorway would be the hottest thing of 2010. So good work JB.
you people always bitch and moan over new colorways.. just accept it shit theres nothing wrong with them
who gives a shit if they're not 'infrared'
just be happy a '6' is coming out in a solid bred colourway,
one of the best jay's in the series and people are still complaining
yea come on dont complain i mean the 6's havent been retroed in a long time (besides cdp carmines and DMP) so be happy and is the bottom white or just really icy????
These are wet!! But i rather to get the white & blacks 6's instead.
they look pretty nice and quality looks real good. not a huge fan of the vi but they look nice for those that will cop..they look real dope!!!
weird, but i will probably cop (sigh)
thats good 4 me it's around my birthday so i will be coppin these
those are hard! imma copy 1 pair.
fuckin amazin must cop
airjordanfan4567 i agree wit you but dont forget the 2008 olympic 6s
Dont care whether thats nubuck or not or whether thats infared or not,its still a sick ass shoe and will be copped
you already know……2 please
quit being picky haters and appreciate this release for what it is… cant change it cry all u want and dont cop…LOLOLOLOLOLO
-_- disappointed due to the fact that the suede was changed to nubuck…not a VERY good look..pass…
Very dope.. but yall must remember, this is a sample so anything can change between now & Jan 2010 so we'll see what happens.
these 6's are Crack!!!
look like it's gonna be a good start to next year & in my b-day month definitely coppin these gems!
very disappointed! i really wished it was infrared but varsity red! bullshit!
wats on the back?
it looks infrared
if it's not then im not copping.
what if jb makes this shoe international like the true blue 3's
these are sexy. the bottom better not be white though. i sure wish they would go back to the nike air on the back though. that would be crazy.
not infrared but still hot! YEEE!
Can’t wait to get my hands on these!
Hope JB puts the Jumpman logo on the back of the heel and not the NIKE AIR logo, because I allready have the 2000 retro :)
Better start saving up y'all!
– Bulls vs Celtics pack
– AJ III True Blue
– Bulls vs Magic pack
– DTRT pack
– 3 AJ XII releases
– Space Jams in december!!!!!!
ya not the infareds but better that the other stuff they have been putting out
These are really hot! I am only disappointed that they might not be clear soles…. But then i wont need to worry about them yellowing…
drop da white infread joint dey never been retroed dont ya think its about time?
Ill probably get used to the suede and varsity red but **** white soles. That ruins the whole VI model. I rather drop the $600 for the OG Retros.
yes finally me and my girl has been waiting im gettin 6 cuz thats whe i get my taxes and andres is gay
Oh yes, I will get myself a pair… NIKE AIR or NOT
They completly ruined this shoe!! I was so excited and I've been waiting so long. No infared? Suede instead of nubuck?? White sole?? Are you kidding me…
OK Since these R samples leave the varsity red instead of infrared thats good bt change them back to nubuck and give them the icey sole
Well I got the nub. I think they will b hot but I don't like the sole cuz the ones I got turned yellow had them 4 10 years they still look cool
On Sneakernews they have a much better shot of the outsole and you can clearly see that its clear like water.
im glad that i have 4 ds pairs cus those are wack
sick!definitly coppin 2 pairs
so happy and stop bitchin that they arent infared……im just happy to see a legit JB release!
thanks JB for makin my spring 2010!
These look like something you can pick up off a chinese wholesaler
pure fire…stone cold killa's….between these and the XI's that come out in dec Jordan is finally doin it right
Three things that are really gay about this sample shoe not infrared, their suede, & the outsole is white instead of clear that's ridiculously GAY!!!!! hopefully they change this stupid shxt and make it look more similar to the Og'z…..
Sí concuerdo que el tipo negro es un retarda
stop hating on RCH89……BUTTER IT
bad pix but we kno wat this colorway looks like and it iz a most cop
I get tired of hearing cats bitch moan and complain about, "they killed the shoe, it's not infrared." it's a retro not a original. That keeps the OGs where they're at because this school is taking from it. You can't kill any Jordan shoe just recreate and make it hot again. Don't forget these joints are saying hi to 20 that's older than some of y'all little fellas knocking them. I know I'm copping them.
stiLL got a pair of carminez untouched….. but hands down mY favortie Jay … coppin 3 , and quit hatin if u ain't got shit to say positive don't say shit, go cop sum trainers or payLess nigguh
imma rock with the infared retros released in 2000 than imma say they should retro the white and infared
thank god these aren't infrared =]
to all haters: og shoes are unique and if you like infrareds you should like these too. If these varsity red had released as og 20 years ago, all of you would be slobbering. All haters want all retro shoes only in og colorways and with og materials, all new ideas from jb are resent because all stupid haters want retro shoes same as og. Jb does it because they know what the OG shoes stand for and they respect that.. so respect it too!
these are on my list… definitely going to cop… thank u jb.
can wait ima get these for my b-day
there icey soles and releasing on 1/9/09.
Shut the **** up little kids that dont know about the Infared! Maybe if you were 7 when you got your first Jordans, sitting in NikeTown trying on the SICKEST kicks to ever grace the earth, you would understand. Young bucks all stoked. The OG colorway was the SICKNESS!!! The infrared and the clear sole where the sick-idy-dicity-doc! Better have the rubber tongue with the two windows and the JB Red lace holder. Still SUPER stoked on em though, just wish I could relive the moment with the SAME exact shoes…these will do. Still holding my breath that they will make the changes. PEACE TO ALL! LAKERS