Whether you’ve already gotten your hands on a pair of the cool grey Air Jordan XIs, or the “Cough Drop” Nike Air Foamposite Ones that both re-released today, or neither, many of you have your sights set on the “white cement” Air Jordan retro IIIs that re-release in January of next year. Well, many of you might also rejoice at the fact that the “black cement” Air Jordan III is said to have also been confirmed for a 2011 re-release. Like the Air Jordan XI “Concords,” the “black cement” Air Jordan III is also tentatively set for a drop around the holiday season- meaning next season could very well rival this one. What do you think? Stay on the look-out for the early images and sample pictures that are sure to surface in the near future.
Why would JB do this? They just came out in the countdown pack 2 years ago, and this is a terrible move by the company. They are just trying to release shoes that they know will sell out in stores now. Pathetic.
im actually kinda glad they are releasing these again. i sold my CDP and regretted it. REDEMPTION!!!!!! lol
im happy to see this because the CDP IIIs were horrible, lets hope they make the quality better this time around…….
only thing that grinds my gears with the confirmation with this release is…. Why not just put it in a OG-combo pack where I can get both White & Black Cement III at the same time like the Infrared VIs last summer rather than wait 10 months between to cop each shoe. LOL, just venting my opinion. Still gonna Cop!!!
why jb? but i either way depending on how they look, im copping.
Cdp were an ok retro thou.
From what i heard from people at gbu the X’s are going to be released in 2011 referred to as a city pack which would include chicago, ny, sacromento, and seattle
who cares? different colors of AM90’s and 95’s are always being released…why not J’s?
everyone always mad with fusions,and want retros
countdown pack indeed
but ill take em again…come on its the 3s
i do hope its better quality..retros retros retros…
HELL YEAHH! I was just thinking to myself like a week ago of how DOPE it would be if the Black Cement III’s would re-release and i got my wish! BOI! G.ettin F.ame K.rew
Jb f-up my 9 from cdp by re-releasing the 2010 version and they are sitting on shelves for like 5 months now when ever I rock my cdp 9 everybody thinks that they are the 2010 version
word ! to king ali, i got my playoff 9 from 02 everybody thinks dere dis yrs like wdf
on some real shit….JB needs to go ahead and drop two shoes that will satisfy sneakerheads globally, the grape 5’s and the colombia 11’s
these alone will have the streets on fire
JB has a,”I DONT GIVE A F*** ATTITUDE”, they gonna buy these whether they like it or NOT, Known that the 3’s,4’s, and 5’s always sellout!!!
look the ones that came from cdp. those are made out of cheap material. maybe these are made from quility material. what did you people think. if there gonna come out with whites. then soon enough they will make the blacks. its common sense you dushes.
hes gonna keep retroing. and ya dummies are gonna keep buying. why dont everybody just take a stand and dont buy the same stuff over and over.the’ll feel heat aventuly. every new jb shoe is nasty. thats why they keep retroing all the time. to stay in business. cause they know that the new garbage they make people wont buy.
no matter how much we complain. they could care less. they will still make fusions. they will still make hybrids. dont you people get it. they dont care what we think. they could care less. there treating all of us buyers as suckers. meanwhile were making his pockets fat.
its defenitly a collectors nightmare
LIKE WTF DUDE lol. fuhhh yall nikkaz yall needa getcha money up and shut da fukupp
watch they put fucking Suede on them. That dude Gentry be pissing me off with the decisions he makes.
@retrokidbk83 DAMN! lmao that is sum they would do too——–i still got my OGs so a 2nd pair would b nice
What’s the point of complaining about it when there will be a long ass line and they will sell out anyway. Just because you have the cdp 3’s don’t mean you cant have a new pair. I could still go and buy the 3-20 cdp now but why would i when i can just wait for these to release and cop these
1. The CDP’s were not made from bad material.’s I was wearing mine last week, and i can tell you, they are one of they very very few Jordan’s in the last 6 years with an outsole that is still intact.
2. These will probably be made from inferior materials.
3. This is not good for headz, because now, JB have totally negated any effort we have put in over the last 20 years of collecting.
4. They will not be exclusive, so dont worry about queuing you tools!
5. I will wait and then pick em up on the sale shelves.
6. 70% of you people need to wake the fuck up.