One theme that hasn’t really caught up with the custom sneaker game is shoes that are “In Memory Of” a person that passed away, well DeJesus Customs went to work on a private order that may have you tear up if your a Redskins or Miami U. fan. Sean Taylor, one of the most influential safeties ever to play the game, was killed in 2007 at his home and a huge fan of Taylor’s decided shoes were the way to show their respects to the man and his family. Dillon DeJesus did each shoe in a different theme with the left shoe sporting the Washington Redskins colors and the right shoe covered in The U’s color scheme. Everything from the colored cement print and team logos to the Sean Taylor Jumpmen on the tongues and of course the “Taylor #26 R.I.P” written on each shoe add a special touch to these memorable kicks.
What is you favorite part about the Air Jordan III (3) “Sean Taylor” Customs by DeJesus Customs? Let us know in the comments section below and stay tuned to Sneakerfiles for sneakers and gear daily!
Via @dejesuscustoms
Lionel K. McDonald Jr. Nicholas Keeling Kevin McDonald
Anthony Then
I have been in contact with guy and I’m getting the skins on made
How much 4 da skins
I like these
Sabrina Aguilar