As Christmas gets closer and the weather continues to get colder, the guys over at Sneaker Freaks customs decided to add their holiday spirit to some kicks. The Air Jordan IV (4) was transformed into a sneakerboot by adding the soft hair fabric onto the inner lining as well as down the tongue and popping out of the bottom of the laces and side netting. Of course it doesn’t get any more Christmas than “The Grinch” which is of course ironic, but besides for the green and red colorway there is also a Dr. Seuss hat on the outside heel. Two different shades of green including a tonal Jumpman finish off these winter customs by the Sneaker Freaks.
Are you feeling the Air Jordan IV Sneakerboot inspired by “The Grinch”? Tell us in the comments section and stay tuned to Sneakerfiles for more updates on everything sneakers!
Via @aceofcustoms
resellers will sell for $5k
Francis Searles check these out
These stupid dope
I’d rock them
Jordan doesn’t even know these ugly shits up for grab..u guys are making Jordan a joke..really?
Nasty …..
I love theses jays I need to tell my daddy to get me some jays for the holidays
Yea dem will kike right on my wifes deet
Jordan shoebrand is a joke now…. It’s all throwbacks from here. 90’s era
These are ugly as fuck…but I want a pair..
Shots is ugly!!
they only fire red 4 lol
Rawwww az fuuuwwwkkk!!!!! I’d be stuuupid stopin on these fa xmas boiiii!!! they go!
they aren’t bad
Creative Cousin JeLson Mandela Shakor Beauregard
Sam Progress
Rob Dallas
Yung Juice
Jolene- hey found some Jordan’s for you haha these are awesome!
May Kenyon Remarkable Breezy these dope
Where can I get a pair
Ooohhh cuz dey luk warm lol
Rose Bruce M
Joe Mc Toothie Solomon
These are horrible
Where can I order dem…
And I alreasy know they dey custom
very cool
Sweet customs…….
Wtf is that
Cameron Williams Johnny Greenlantern Otis Bigbody Scotty Williams
I want these
That is the Dr. Suess hat… Not the grinch lol
Darnell Lakes
Lol ugly. But warm feet.
these are so ugly, you guys are all idiots
Tania Kotika christmas spirit!!!
Ahí están los Jordan Grinch Enedina Garzon jajajaja
LAMO what the fuck is that !!!!???
Clayton Lamar ima throw up!!!!! Lol
David Killa’Cusic
I can make these for free. Take some old ass Jordan’s and take a shit on them
Edgar Perez swag lol
Wayne Moten dese ugly
I must have them.
This gotta be a joke, these are the ugliest pair of sneakers I ever saw, just because there Jordan’s doesn’t mean there cool
esso ke?…nunca vas a cambiar ya te lo e dicho hasta el cansancio …hablo con la pared definitivamente
I think they wud b dope on a chic
smh jordan uggs next?
Aidee Castellanos wat thee hell haha
Lmao Vaders Chris Blaylock lets get em!
Onit boss ;))
Brad Dallman
Brandon Farmer Ryan Boyd
Df. The fur throw it off
Paolo Torres
PhuKing Ugly!!!
Grinchent Van Gogh
Leigh they made your Jordan’s hahahaha
Nadia Bryana Miriam Stith
it’s the grinch’s fur and color idiot.
these are CUSTOM kicks dummy! jordan brand did not make these!
Rachel Amanda
Gay! And I can guarantee someone thinks these are so fucking hot!!!
There you go Sheena DeShay
Lmao! Akira McNeil
I want these!
Xaxa Ilya Ill
Stephon Rip Tate Jetson yesss
Rob Tz this Jordan version of the skunk sb type.. so fucking crucial!
Dylan VandenBos
I wanna see the whole sneaker
Cool man
Doing too much
Are you looking for extra income monthly? Tired of trying to make ends meet, or wondering what you’re going to do next? Are you 17 or older and ready to experience a brighter future? Add me and inbox me, if you’re ready to invest $40 into a life changing experience! SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY!
Tasha Mack..would u lol
Lol sure y not Deron Greene
Fucking wack.
Those are ugly af
they cool for the kidz
id wear them
Fur???? Really???
Vas D Morales
F#*k yeah!
Noooo way ugh!!!
Buy it now on ebay $2300 lol
Fly facts
thy stooopppiiiidddddd..ugh.ugh.):
Dem bit fii
I’m DEFINITELY coping me a pair these are CLASSIC!
I want these so bad u gotta b me to wear these
Suesone Christian Benavides
Ayoo if you got something to me latch why the fuck not lol
Seth Emmanuel lol
Theyr fwesh mara the colour is too much… Winter has mild dark colours.
Boky Yameen
Why they gotta disrespect the 4 for?
Jimmy Davis lol
They biting Jeremy Scott now…
Them Real Af
Hellla ugly lmao
Doez r ugly sry
Asia Page
These shit are hella fresh brah …
I NEED them
Hehehe I love this sh*t
Ruben Little Head
Matilda Williams
Doing too much
Dem U.G.L.Y AF. GRinch look ass.
I would rock these with a bill cosby sweater and beige khakis
Where do I go to customise my Jordan’s?
Those are Epic fail
Omgoshh.!! them bitches nastyy.!!
Ryan DeVore
Imagine T-pain singing “J’s with the Fur” instead of “boots with the fur”
Shantise Brown these are sexy
Need those for the Chicago winter!
f’n ugly -_-
Lol ugly
Ill get them just because they call me the Grinch Lol
Yes,is good very good.
Shits r garbage!
Juan Santo
Ugly af!! worse custom I’ve ever seen
David Porte Beckefeld this Is your jam bro.
Lupe Garcia te voy a dar esos pal frio amor hahaha
The ugliest pair of kicks ive ever seen but sum1 with hella swag can pull em off
oh my lawrd
Rebecca Becky Bec Bexs
Santiago Martinez
Charmane Brown
Mariah Lovly
A for ingenuity.
Im not sure if i like them or not
Zayra Aurora Fuentes
Damn dats sum heat
the grinch? whats wit the cat in the hat hat pn the back tho?
Ha non je meurs
Jordan Jackson
Sik wit it
Dey ugly as fuck but I’m from the chi so I show mike luv
Shayan Kharaghani yuck
Robertt Soles cop or drop ..?
Luis-Ramon Santa Jose Santa
Wtf look like they cut his feet of wit them
I’d rock these
There pimp as fuk
Because the hat represents Dr. Seuss. And Dr. Seuss wrote How The Grinch Stole Christmas.
Tone Jones
What creature did they kill to stick in the shoes? Tsk tsk
The grinch is green not brown
Saw these, wayy too out there lol
Aahhh hell naw..
no sweg
Andy Passey
Aldwyne Gedang
Not made for Texas weather.
Wassup with the fur though!!!
Fanny Tshandaskina I know a lil French and she’s very lil.
oh they hypin it .i seen these an just thought about the grinch wit out knowin ha
Not even free…
Ion like wear red but dem joints crazy tho…
Jsanika FreeSade Williams are these ckrutee ?
Fresh id wear
Let me see you guys rock these! Lol Miri Orozco Abraham Abundis. Gesenia Villalobos for your bf lol
How much $35.00.lmbo
Albert Ngan
Andy J. Uyeda
Me los compro ????????? Ivan Chavez
ooh no
They are fresh af I see why they put that fur on em cause they are sneaker boot jordans but I like these Ima have to cop em
Shaun Thompson
Derek Massie Cornelius Reader Jr. Carlos Reyes Melissa Abraham Shaundra Coleman
Lmao…I’ll rock’em!!
Creative as fuck
dam dey sexi
Hell no Corey Jacobs
I like them but not that color
Tht fur gta go fast. Bt they wet !!!.,
Getn a pair
Andy Passey?
Not even!
Van Dale…..yea, ummm, ur taste is interesting !
Stoopid!!!!! I need a pair!!!!!
I LIKE they would look dope on me
New York Jordans
Mkay…go for it babe! lol :) Van Dale
Pedro Mirelez
Why fuck up a pair off js for this ugly Thing!??
I want them
Yvonne Torres
I love this one & I want it so please give me more info I wana oder & I live in south africa!
Haha omg Samantha Bates
yuck !!
arter Woods READ OR DIE TONIGHT AT 10:35 … … P.M .9 years ago …a person named jerry got dared to sleep in a house that was believed haunted. The .. Next day his friends waited for him outside the house…. ….. ….. …. They had to go inside and search for him. They went through every room exept the attic. He wasn’t supposed to sleep there. He was supposed to sleep in the living room they went to the attic. Hey saw Jerry’s corpse and they just left because they were scared. But that night they all died because of their friend. He killed them all for making him sleep in that house if you don’t send this to 11 comments you will die tonight by Jerry. Example 1: A man named Stewart read this and didn’t believe it. He shut off his computer and went through his day. That night while he was in bed he heard something outside of his door. He got up to look. And now he’s dead. Example 2: A girl named Haley Read this in the morning and she got scared but she didn’t send it. She wanted to now if it was true. She went to school (She was only 13 years old) and that night she died. If you don’t post this on 11 comments tonight jerry will ‘visit’ you his isn’t fake. Apparently, if you you copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minuets you will have the best day of your life tomorrow. You will either get kissed or asked out, if you brake this chain you will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. In the next 53 minuets someone will say I love you or im sorry
Karl Lashnikov
Adrian Covington Jenny Troxell these look awesome and festive!!!! Hahaha
Ashton Taylor
I seen them they custom made though
W IN DF ??????
Sum serious
Mason Smith
Nahhh man Nahhh!!! This is some shit Adidas would do. These are garbage. Dude who did these should quit. Jeffery
Blocko Gonzalez
Lames likes these
Bunny Tsukino
Some shit Desiree Duenas would wear LOLOL. Cindy Khun
Bobby Williams
Fernando Samengo kkkkk vou comprar este
Now those are fuckiing FLyyy!!!
Love them!! xD
Uglyest shoes i have ever fuckin seen! who ever inveted these should hang themselves !
Alexandra Rodriguez
Hyun Min Kim
김의수 이게뭐얔ㅋㅋㅋ
I like them
I want a pair
These kicks is Fire, rite on fkn point
I like them f fire
I like
Dope hope they would release
WOW….. I’m Inlove!!!!! #Wish I Had Em Right Now #I Would Freak Tha Shit Out These
Samer Jordan
not ayoba
Matteo Palza lol
Who who’d where those for real
Ash Wedderburn I need to see you in these!
Who made these Jeramy Scott ? UAF
Im rockn them thangs……
Justine probably won’t happen?
Tough ass shoe
Hoang Nguyen hot stuff XDDD
That fur tho..
Psy Chotik pour toi ça .. Hahaha
Rémi Penault me demande cb de rousses il a tondu pour cette toison
Those are hype
Hahahahaha j’en chiale de rire ..
Alivia Dobson
Those are dope if they were not retarded ass colors
Giahue Nhan damnn :D
David Kinkel
Ja’Cory D. Hurns
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaangst!!!!! Release these J’s and imma grip a set right quick ma g
That fur thoe mest them all up should have had the inside green
Hell no
Isabella Ochoa
Jmz Tipzy
Seth Glaser Quinn Duke Tony Torres
je les kife grave
Look like uggs for ducks
Briana Amy Trunzo
Tito Galindo
Dem go in lol love the difffferent look
Felipe E. Torres las q necesitamos
Samantha Peters
Cameron Buffett bleeeeeeeeh
Ugly as fuck…
George Gonzalez lol
I want for no dam reason!
Darius DeLonte’ Creasey add these to your shoe game
Oooh love these ….
Hay q ordenarlas…..!!!!
l’hiver approche
No Thanks…..
WaterBoyy Pagans wowww
Shantar Sanders
That’s not the Grinch hat.its xat and the hat.
Michelle Alicea I want!
Dro mane get these for Christmas….
Looh Vidal diferente, mas não…. haha
Dem bitches a lil extra, but I a roc em…
Someone better get me a pair for xmas!
♥♡♥(~_~メ)different, But a One outfit pair of……. these colors don’t go With much. But I’m a different kind of female. So I’ll rock ’em.
That’s Cat N the Hat logo, not the Grinch!!
Wtf lol
I like these
Dam, these joints is old! Weren’t these made like, a year ago? lol
John Gotti this looks like something you’ll wear
horrível isso amr! Affff!
Marina Nhiphakounyang lol thats too flashy ! i dont really look at jordans the same anymore ! it was koo seeing girls wearing j’s a couple of years ago when that was a rare sight to see, but now-a-days they just wear them to impress men, vice versa for the young gentlemen of todays world ! lol
I need them in my life. Its that simple. Whats the price on them and can i order frim this page?
John Gotti I love Jordan’s I have more than Andy lol
Needa stop messin jordas up wit this dumb stuff fr
Marina Nhiphakounyang which ones have you bought !? i still want the cement 4’s tho ! lol
The black and gold ones retro 1’s* I’m still looking for the “raging bull pack” 5’s*
John Gotti
Marina Nhiphakounyang those are sick ! that packs gonna run you a pretty penny !
tohle je medvedí edice pro Brtníka
I know I’m willingly
Lmao. go figure Mike Helfer
J’s on ma feet.!
Brian Jones these are you bro!
the red raging bull 5’s are dope !
I’m still looking for the “breds 11’s Chicago bulls style”
y does tha grinch shoe have a cat n tha hat logo?
Alex Herebia you like these 4s ? Cx
Alex Herebia you like these 4s ? Cx
Nah lol they look warm the lol
Nah lol they look warm the lol
Tho.Mario Beltran
Tho.Mario Beltran
The Fuck happened to these Jordans bofl
The Fuck happened to these Jordans bofl
those shits are over priced dude ! they crease hella easy too !
those shits are over priced dude ! they crease hella easy too !
Lol but I hardly wear them
These are pretty fucking great. There is a lot of creativity here and it’s just really awesome for what it’s supposed to be. Stop bitching.
just save them for a couple years and flip them like blacky does !
Whoever made these needa body they self
Lol right
Jade Chick
sooo dope
Wow i can say i like thees first time for that
They Are really ugly
This needa be a real shoe not customs.
lmao… I can’t bring myself to get these bro!
Bc that’s the author of the grinch.
Hamdija Fejzic
Haha awesome furies Ilya Ill
Lose the hat wtf ???
What a waste for a pair of j’s
Thomas Wilkinson
Jada Marley Moon
Rafi Rahmani
Little top hat looks like Cat in the Hat to me
Wow that’s the ugliest shoe I’ve ever seen. I didn’t even know shoes were capable of making people vomit just by looking at them…
Jay Jordheim
This are the ugliest things I’ve ever seen..
Kill yourself
Would make a great Christmas decoration.. That’s about it haha
Would make a great place to throw up in
this is nice for sweater gang!!! ahahaha
Unique Af To Me I Like Them
Johnny Orantes
I found your Christmas present Carly Emerson lmao
What the fuck kinda shit is that?
Isaac Taylor
George Roman Jason Rico Roman sick
they Str8
Zach O’Dell those IV’s you wanted… lol
Nate Lal
Nick Pendergraft aayy those grinches!! LoL, would rock em round the house
Ashleigh Welchman your brother wants these for Christmas
Oh my god I want these too! We can rock them together
Those r so sick. I want a pair.
The shit
Carol Melendez Louis Melendez Jose Melendez
these r cool and look really warm.
The strings glow in the dark!…
Love them
Hell naw
ohh la basketttttt
Lol xj Cj Drummond
Ethan Walker
Yea Ewww
Dr. Seuss
i thought about that thanx i still dont like it tho
Paul M. Cherry this would go with my grinch hat
Alexander Clayton Hakes here you go
i want those
ohhhhhhh shiiit’tt
Shit me to
Those are the ugliest Jordan’s ever
Mfs is hatin! Them shits is nice!
Early Bird
Those go hard YuNg TrAn
Could do with out the Dr seuss hat but dope
Hes a mean one mr.grinch
Did a her cut his hair whil wearin thim
Darnell Lisath Jason Spurlock Tarence Brice Dahlia Monet
Ugly a’f
Sneakers so ugly I couldn’t even say anything bad about the person thats wearing them
Dam those are fresh
I would rock’em. The cutest grinch u never saw. Say word, nothing wrong wit J’s and fur.
Ken Gatera chk mes prochaines bottes
What the cat hat gotta do with Grinch
Tf dese ugly
Drag Delaney
Ugly as fuck
What? Come on … Donald Trumpp, are you getting a pair?
I want those
Man these are Fire getting me a pair!
Soo can you really buy these?
Kim Maline hahaha! These are dope!
Lacey Kerr I know u would wear these
Yes I would!
Eathan Porter Neisha Hale
tht jays hard
I would wear those every christmas if i had em!!
Chelsea Sencion lol
I can funk those
UGGGLY!!!!! Joseph Que-Heath Robert James Edgar Camarena
Warm feet for sure
OMG i would get those fr
….r u serious
Bad ass
Love em….
Drop bro lmao Tiffany Rosado
Hot garbage
Look at all the hype beast loving em
Ugliest customs ever lol!!!
What …
I’d wear em
Somewhere right now Jordan himself is like WTF are u doin to my shoes #Ugly
Ah man ugly but…tis the season……lol.
A lot of the dudes doin’customs, do it because they ‘like art’.
Customs are geared towards a niche.
Many of these you really wouldn’t rock in any normal rotation. These are once a year kicks, these are Xmas party at the frat house kicks, IMO.
The craftsmanship is crazy good, even if the shoe isn’t visually pleasing to YOU.
People RARELY comment on the craftsmanship, or overall ‘execution of the concept’. SMH.
Gregory Louis Alex Dejesus lol
David Martinez
Id rock’em
I want them
Wow ….ugly
Brobie Ariele Broham Fatimah Evelyn u guys want these for Xmas?
Carvin Turner i really can see you dropping these they hot and totally diffrent you all day
Brady lol
Where can i go to copp deez?
Megan Smith
Olivia Kamara Williams
hard af man foreal were they at
Tf dope I would swag them real rap
Michael Hooper II William Flemming Zyder Messerly Jay Quinn lol
You could try going to the website that customized them for starters. I mean where else do you think you would be able to find them? Learn how to use your brain a little bit. No, learn how to use your brain a lot of bit.
Sweeetttt (:
G shit ugly asf they should keep all jordans original color. No customs
Those go hard
Hell no.
Hve to get them for my son”
Muffinman Robinson Bryant Franklin
wouldn’t rock these
They are so ugly EWWWW
Victor Vega
Eww wtf ugly
I would flam those holidays
Brittbrat Surrena
Orale I see, that makes perfect sense
People will rock anything,cause they say Jordan please
There cute
Sick as F’ Allen Diaz
Elijah Messier
Love these
kinda dope… but never on my feet lol
pour mon noel
Idk about these, but I know that furr would keep my ankles warm in the winter
That’s is awesome
Nickolaus Cruz babe!
Roscoe Smoke lol Grinch
Them mfs r ugly as fuck give it up
Strangely I like
No. Just…..NO.
I see you wearing these Dallis Kamine lol
They cool,but I wouldn’t rock em……
Austin Pomerantz…you need these!
I’m cool on these
Those are custom Mallory Rottmann
Tee Ramirez all u bby girl
Tristan Salter
Jordan!!! Just stop!!! Shits ugly!! Running out ideas huh? Only posers wear that ugly ass Chewbacca shit
People need to stop ridin Jordan’s nuts there ugly as hell but cause there Jordan’s there sick c’mon people
Jennifer Lopez
Want…. trill hot
Marquis Martinez
Wow, they are tight as f……
These hella ugly. But I could make these look good.
wow these are horrible that just gave a bad rep to the jordan 4s!
Tf is that? Ahaha. Horrible.
Damn imma get them,!!!
Tyrik MistahFresh Jameel KingIsh
dr seuss made the grinch -.-
Mike Garcia
For play winter streetball :D
They look fly
Annalisa Michelle
They look warm tho lol Danny
Ugh these are hideous
Those r ugly what was they thinking when they made those #ppl would buy anything :p
Flo Perez
Tobias Alexander, I can see you wearing these. maybe Santa will bring you a pair ?
Old ass custom
The creative way of of shoe airway in sneakers are amazing if I could afford them boy…..
Those are the shitt!! I can see my girls wearing those.
I wuld not even rock them thy can stay in the store
How do I get them
Where they at Tooo cute … I want them for my baby girl ASAP
Those are disgusting, lol.
The cat who shat on his shoes!
Daniel Gutierrez would u cop
Ugly shoe
Customization cuz hes a a boss ass bitch bitch bitch!!! Kevin Castillo
Luv them
Raymond Gamon Jacob Flores
Tina johnson
Tina Johnson
Oh I want them for xmas
Joel Lima das sind top jordans
Matteo Galanti
too much goin on… just the custom cw would’ve been enough, or keep em fire red and just the fur would’ve been enough.
If Theze Suppozed To Be The Grinch Why They Got A Cat In The Hat Loqo
Love the fur
Sneakdreamz Soulz
Quinton Benson
No just no
Te imagino usando estos Edgar Ruiz
Ugh des ugly…
Mike McGrath Jose Tiongson Jr
Josh McCutcheon
GTFOH!!!!!! D_scusting!!! Yuck!
damn i want them hoes
I need these
China footlocker
Ugly ugly ugly!!!
Soooo UGLY!!!!!!!
I love them I gotta get me a pair
Danny Reyes
Ugliest damn things I’ve ever seen in my life
ugly as fk
Bradels de Man
Noah Messino
I know you want rock those Yayo Hadbars lol
Hell yeah dem niceeeeeeeeeee
Jason V R Chin Ronald Wright
uhm no i shall not part take in these
I would if they had that fur on the black cats that would be tight
holy shit!
Nicki Parrino
I shall not
fuck dat shit, pass em
Ugly yet cool what do you think -> Marcus Dogskin
it would look cool if that fur would come off
but yes those shoes look ugly
The sickest jays yet
Samin Brown.
Shit wack
They are fesh
cat in the hat grinch edition???? something smells fishy
Them shit are ight
O hell no
How I get these I won’t them bad
Stephen Keith
Nick Castillon…found ya sum Grinch kicks!
Ugly l don’t like it. It look like the grind
But shit it costs 99 cents
Love them. They look nice and warm.
Haha get these for jacob!! Rylee York
Walter Phillips Jaysen Dodge
They go hard to me
I Some snow Boot Like That
Justin Powell
air jordan done fucked up there history fr
??? Really? Someone was smoking that OOOOO-WEEEE when they thought of these…..they ugly af!
They Came Out Last Year
shit phat as fuck
Omg they so ugly !!
Yea Grinch ALL the way!
Na I’m good. Mike Barris
Ian Carn Gerald Johnson Tiffany Flowers Kenaya Flowers
Nicole Turner
Dana Mcclenny
Oscar Mora
that’s ugly
Jess Oviedo
Barf hahaha Luis Trujillo Garcia
Beige is a color .-. but so is khaki so how you gonna have beige khakis ?
Omfg these are fyckn dope, and then I love the muthafuckin Grinchhh!
JacQuinn Trammell bro i fuck with these haha
The grinch or cat in the hat?
Ugly asf
Jacky Wu need ta get can u get them for me plzzzz
the hell am i suppose to get that for you
Through connections
Fresh as hell
If they’re “THE GRINCH” why is there a cat in the hat logo in the back???
Darrell Herne Love these
Omg dey are cute
Where can I get a pair
They look warm ass fuck. Hell yeaa all buy them
Hahah get these Alysia Sanchez
It look like a hairy ass skunk took a shit on that and happened to eat a “Cat In The Hat” book earlier that day.
Lmfaoooo ewe Trent Van Pay
How about trying to visit the website that made them Nimrod?! I swear some of you sneaker heads are pretty stupid.
Justin Deal grinch face grinch shoe lol
Thoea are ugly
I’m dead lmao
I’m a sneakerhead and I like to collect crazy shoes but these r just ugly
Arturo Sunday para el grinchito!!
Marlon Daniel
Jason Mendoza
Shit is crazy
hottttt !
hope he left those shoes where he took the pic…Sasquatch wouldn’t even wear those…
I rock them love them n I hate jorands n that doc sue logo the hat duh
Keesan Ja’Don Beverly lol
air max 90
Cat in the hatwhy ; 0
they are sexy
These are real nice
Good shoes for Canada. Hay
Jajajaja ja Pam Sunday
Andru Armenta
Jose Luis Sanchez you’d rock these hahaha
I need these to go wit my pjs
Only if they were a darker green. Haha
Jasmine Zamarripa
Isaac Ortiz….
Jesus Negron
Them hot
Rowdy Dupree these r sicknin
Jeremy Heil don’t let Arian see
They are customs. Probably one offs. Lol. I wish I had a pair
No! No! No!
Argenis Perez
What happened Salman Ad?
these dope?! Argenis Perez
holy shit i want those LOOL SIKE UGLY SHIT Pj
Id rock those . Lmao
Makenzey Walker
Because khaki is a type of fucking pant too not just a color you fucking selfie snapping swaggot wannabe hypebeast
Look like something lil wayne would wear
damn u boots
Adrian Alvarado Valentine Hernandez
Omfg them shit hard
I so want these….
Boots with the fur …… yep
Style is soo whatever you want now days, id deff fresh these
한호진구 이거보소
These are tuff
Jelisia Williams
Carissa Gita
if i buy dis shoes am nva gng to streets wearing dem
Kurt Berwick I need these in my life get me a pair – it is your quest to find me some
Those go innn! I like them. Size 6 plz :)
remy needs trese
Lol Keesan Ja’Don Beverly I only tagged you bc Kj the grinch
shucks!! Heaven!! nice…
That shiit is ugly as fuck! I bet if that logo wasn’t on it some of Yall would agree with me.
Eww. Dude… if u like these you are tacky as a muhhfuuu
Yo los quiero!
Jontai Harris yu like these ???
Damn its very nice
Air grinches looool
They look country….
Ryan Corpus ;D
Those are beast
Ewwww so ugly
Ooooooo nice
DeAndre Parker wtf brahh
Cat in the hat’s hat
wow namn
jordans are the most ugliest shoes i’ve ever seen.. why anyone drops money like that on a pair is ridiculous
too funny. .. looks like someone ate one too many cookies then hurled
Man I like them J’s THATS WHAT U CALL SWAG
Weired but kool
Are these gonna get released ;?I want To Cop them lol
Thim mf’s sick