Just the other day we show cased the Air Jordan 14 Retro apart of the Countdown Packs, and now we have the second part equaling the number 23: Air Jordan Retro 9.
Like its Original form, the Air Jordan Retro 9 features White, Black and Red, with a nice smooth speckled midsole to the heel. Releasing March 2008, with a retail price of $310. Via Marqueesole.
love the sparkle, oh and I
am first
man i still got these brand new. they could have done the charcoal ix
why did they not do the charcoals?! We just had these shits a few years back!
the only pack i want is the 7/16 package so far….it seems like that is the only pure OG package coming out…so far, the rest suck!
i like em
…I'll accept.
Oh so sexiii…;) Def copp
hell they fresh I cant wait for the 8s
^I agree we don't need more of the same ol' retros.
The Jumpman logo is off.
screw the jumpman logo.
HardBody def coppin
yea these 9s were definately just retroed a few years back this is the 3rd time theyre being released. I was kinda on the fence about the 14s but now this pack is an easy pass
save your flow people
Yep…JB on some BULL$hit again. Like the sparkle on the 9s and like the 14s but not enough to shell out 3 bills.
Might change my mind since I aint got these yet, tho.
ON 2nd thought! Screw that $hit. I'll get the 1st Countdown pack in Jan…then I wont need these kicks.
Bsides, that crack-a$$, Gumby-looking Jumpman aint helping matters!
i gts 2 get dat damn package…….. fuk it i will get all d damn packages (shoe game crazy)
dis shyt is crazzi defiently gettin dis packk lubbz da 9s
was surprised to see this colorway. of course I'm copping I'm a jordanattic for life. but why not for the countdown packges have unreleaswed colorway to make them that more special? ah well I bet they released that same colorway cuz it sold well. who knows but the person who knows!
they will be $190 on swoosh.com. sucks for u guys.
2008 get ya money rite….
Na man these is supa hot but i think the carolina blue one's would have been better instead of these. But Still a must get.
Hare 7's still on the map…nothing big about the 14's…these hot tho..GET YA MONEY RIGHT!!
^^^^ Pimp ur a hypebeast
The retros had the sparkle too…why's everyone making a big deal about it?
Love em…
lookin fresh…I cant wiat till these dropp…….
mos def will b on my feet FA SHO
man these are hot. would cop these in a heart beat.
im passin…the only packs im gettin so far are 13/10's and the 7/16's
dont kow about u guys but im getting tha 17/6 countdown pack
daaaammn..dis shii is fire… cop
Im not really a fan of these AJ 9 so im not copping these. They need to retro the Charcoal 9. You know what they need to retro alot of Original jays like the September Blue AJ6 and the Chicago AJ X,Bordeaux 7,and the Indiglo 14. They need to retro alot of Original Jordans.
MUST COP….does anyone know where i can get the Doernbecher 2's for cheap?
these r nice. its ok they retroed these again at least they aint releasin no ugly color lol. but yea sum ppl rite. sum couple pairs we still waitin 4 should be retroed. im glad hares are coming back though. maybe boredeaux will come out as very limited ls release…same with indigo 14s…hopefully….
14.5's releasin in 08… they lookin good… if I were ya'll complainin about the 14's I would just split the pack with somebody. $150 + $20 for shoes and box for $170. U walk away with shoes and the box… the other guy gets the pair u didn't need. :D
they look nice
make money to buy sneakers
these r ok but i think the 9's shouldve been the unc colorway
^i agree
mine i still got these for real but u can bring it back out i just have another pair ya digg but one thing i cant what to them 8's come out i got all of the 8's self of the ones comein out next week
the only packages im copn is the 10/13 and the space jam package with the all white and red 12's
Pass the 14 love the 9’s.
Can’t what for the 20/3.Must know color ways!!!!!
yeahhh xi xii pretty tight!!
spacejam, white/red.
i love the 9s. ma fav js
yo i plan on buying all the packages. Im getting them all sz 9.5-10. Im keeping the 13s,9's,7's,21's for myself but ill others im selling on ebay…….the 10s should be on ebay by the end of january, all interested search jordan countdown 10
this pack is gonna be ight….I know if gettin dem. Im also gettin the 11/12 package cuz i heard JB is releasing the Space Jams 11….damn cant wait. I dont like the 10/13 pack cuz the shadows look kind of wack but the 13 look sexy.
I still have those in great condition from like '01 or'02 and i don't like 14's…so that's a pass.
this is must copp for me…..
OoO dem 9z iz musty.but the the jumpman bo-legged like a hoe and the 14's are wak.but i might fuk around and get them 9z and sell da 14z
ay who know when the 8s and 15s package come out bcuz i think i might pass on the playoffs too much hype
ay who wear a size 16 bcuz i'll sell the 14's if u want them i already got the last shots so i don't need the ones comin in the pack
wat da hhhhhhhheeeeellllll itz $310 omg i thought it is only $235 holy shyt i need to cop mo chalupas cuz im not finna let diz pazz ma way nd it has sparkle on it
dont worry 9/14 package when i take ya home we finna have a good nite sleep together wit the rest of the retro family…..ooohhhh yyyeeeaaa…..
well shit i aint gettin em but do anybody know when tha clothes 4 tha 10's and 13's gone pop up
MaD HOtt kIdD
yo fresh but i'll pass I want the 10/13'z
I like the new countdown, packs but i think they still should release solo jordans because it make's you buy a extra pair that you might don't want and everybody don't have cash like that.
man,if u look at the jordan sign on the first pic the jordan sign looks fake…..
damn sleep on it im just gone add tha **it 2 da collection.
I have the OG's but they're starting to get a little iffy on me. The shits are so comfortable, though, so if these are even fractionally as comfortable I'll be picking the pack up. The 14's are some of the best comfort wise as well.
Oh WTF iz up with the jumpman…..but other than dat classic+colorway=Fresh
i got this and they are mad hot
I have the 23 titaniums 8.5 Im wannig to seel for 1250.00 orbest offer
email me at windy_city58@yahoo.com
aye man deez hoes clowning,shit i might cop these