There are a number of OG Air Jordan colorways releasing this year to the joy of several Jordanheads worldwide. Today we brought you another look at the upcoming black/metallic silver Air Jordan V. But before those drop, the Air Jordan VII “Bordeaux” gets retro treatment and releases again April 16th. So we would like to turn your attention to this new set of images of that very Air Jordan retro to help you decide whether you’ll be on the prowl for these or let them pass you by.
…. Looks like they only did a close up of one of the tongues but looks like they took the green out of the tongue for this retro, and the grey seems to be alittle bit more lighter. But all and all this was my favorite AJ VII so I MUST COP CUZ THESE BE STR8 FIRE!!!!!
Buying these shoes 1day early then go back 2 work on April 18 & !9TH ENJOY 4/20 THE RIGHT WAY AND THEN VACATION THE NEXT 4 DAYS DAMN i CANT WAIT FOR THIS PARTICULAR WEEK/sHOE HOLLA
upset jus copped these as an early release only to find out that the tongue doesnt have soo much of the blue in it as the kid sizes do.
cant wait to cop these shits next week!
Copping two pair