As per the usual, Jordan Brand is staying ahead of the game as today welcomes a leaked catalog shot of what’s to come Summer 2014.
What may seem eons away, the extensive Summer 2014 delivery isn’t that far away. Beginning in April, we’re promised an array of retros which are to include the Air Jordan 1, Air Jordan II (2), Air Jordan VI (6), Air Jordan IX (9), and of course a Air Jordan XI (11) Low. Unfortunately no colorways have been announced, however you should make note of the style codes and price increases that we’ve been warning you about. Yes it’s true; most Air Jordan retros will see a $10 price hike.
Considering this is only a snapshot of month April through June, let us know what you’ll be keeping an eye out for as we near Summer 2014. Stay tuned to Sneaker Files for more news and updates surrounding this roll-out.
via hatena
Jordan Nicholson
prices going up another 10 bucks huh: for what the pretty box
I get 502 bad gateway when I go to the site :/
funniest shit I heard all day
Good thing I plan winning to lottery before next year.
idc bout jb releases anymore lmao unless its the metallic v’s my dream shoe
Oh good. We’ll get some II’s next year. Hopefully they WON’T suck. The IV is definitely gonna be trash and the IX is probably the blk/wht AGAIN