The rumors can now be put to rest, the Air Jordan Team Elite has officially hit Nike iD and is now available for personalization. Back in October, rumors spread of the Air Jordan Team models being offered on Nike iD and now the Team Elite Low and Mid models can be customized to your liking. A limited selection of colors and materials can be used toward the Team Elite, but it is plenty to create a simple Air Jordan color-way, which is how it should be. Both are now available to iD on Nike.
I feel the Jordan ID is the next step. Not for just "team" Jordans but Jays in general. Once that occurs, sales will be bananas!
Nice team elite kicks, btw.
They're way too expensive here in Europe, only €40 below the XX3's. :(
I like the I.d. idea for team J's ,I dont like it for these J's in paticular , the retros for that matter…
This will work great for team shoes. If they did this for retro's fakes would get more popular than real J's cause you wouldn't be able to tell the difference and the fakes are a lot cheaper. Kind of a cool idea, thinking how to customize retro J's, but unrealistic. JB would lose money
WELL if u a real sneaker head u can tell the fake 1s apart from real 1s.
Does anyone remember a few months ago, when Tinker implied that the XX3s may be available for Nike ID customization? He even went as far as saying they would be customized at the actual NikeTown location while you waited, because the technology used for them made them very easy to build on the spot.
WELL,even "real"/real may sneakerheads have a hard time telling some sneakers apart? It would flood ebay with all types of fakes and variants thus making it more difficult to buy off the bay. Putting retros on nike id would be the most "f" up thing to do for JB. I don't care if you can tell fakes and variants from the real deal or not.
holy shit they got grape v colors
^^ All I got to say is think past what is traditional thought. Ppl love rocking Jays, so if you WEAR them, then customizing them to be your own makes sense. If you collect, you don't HAVE to Id them.
they coulda used a better team jordan shoe. but im gald that their not usin the signature j's cuz that would ruin the joy in having a real jordan shoe instead of a custom jordan made to look like the OG's
great idea no dout!
but they picked he uglest jordans posible of corse i think there just testin the idea if they blow up they put more out there if they fall they dont
great idea no dout!
but they picked he uglest jordans posible of corse i think there just testin the idea if they blow up they put more out there if they fall they dont boy
NOOOOOOOO!!!! JB dont put signature J's on Nike i.d. thats jus plain stupidity. Retros are supposed to be like copies of the O.G's. putting sneakers like the 8's and 5's will ruin their specialness and ppl will foget about Jordan. stick with team models on Nike i.d. pleaseeeeee! i'm begging you! plzz
back to what Shockman said
am March 7 2008 @ 9:28 am
if people can't tell the difference between a fake pair and a custimzed pair thats even worse. it's not about price of the jordans, its the quality. have you ever bought a fake pair of jordans? they rip apart. sales might go threw the roof but it takes away the rareness of each shoe.
these shoes are hot
Joradn team elites are awsome i cant find them anymore, boo. i like the all white one with a black strip by the front toe. i bought them a year ago and cant find them any more where an i find them all i see is the ugly ones tha no one has bough