While zingy23 was in a Shiekh Shoes a man walked in with a bag of a wide variety of Air Jordan‘s. The man said he was from Jordan Brand, and when emptied the bag many pairs of different Jordan’s spilled out. From the looks of it, a pair of Air Jordan Spizike will release, a black/white/yellow Jordan VIII and a team model (I believe) that resembles the Jordan XII. Any thoughts or concerns you may want to be heard please leave a comment.
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im lovin the 8's .. it reminds me da grey 7's…
i hope those spiz'ikes are fake, because they look terrible :-(.
They probably fake
Looks like some 12.5's up in that pic.
I they release that color way for the Spizikes i'm going to vomit.
The Spiz'ikes are disgusting
Why would someone even think of producing those?
The VIII's look alright and I like those 12.5s(wat i call em)
I hope only the XI I.E.'s are released out of those. Maybe the VIII's if there are more pictures. Why ruin the Spiz'ikes.
The team J's are ugly by the way. They don't look like Jordans, they look like some cheap Reeboks or And Ones.
Man dem spizzikes r really ugly after da true blue dey should just stop bringin colors….nd it seems 2 me like deres another pair of spizikes in the pic I think they're white an d yellow…nd I aint tripin about thr 11s cuz I got me 2 pairs so yea and I don't mess wit jordan team
Man dem spizzikes r really ugly after da true blue dey should just stop bringin colors….nd it seems 2 me like deres another pair of spizikes in the pic I think they're white an d yellow…nd I aint tripin about thr 11s cuz I got me 2 pairs so yea and I don't mess wit jordan team….
they look like a load of fakes
all of these shoes are ugly
they look fake as F@#% to me especially those spiz ikes those are so ugly it hurts my stomache
all of those sneakers look terrible…a complete nightmare!!!
i hope those spizikes rvfake b cuz their horrible
all spizikes are ugly but these spizikes are diharrea ugly. I hope some of the jordan VIIIs RELEASE out of this picture
all of yall some haters the spizikes lokk good and i will get them first thing if they release the 11s on da side are cool too i also like da 8s but the grey ones look to much like 7s (and i think it's another spizike under tha first one)
im beggin you for one by one pics
for more unseen jordans
gmnpy kybicqhf uwndk juvehqa afbzmgjon xhwatz bspmqe
man u tryin to show those old ass shoes and some of them r very fake and dusty
wit yo fake @ss shoe you need to take dem old fake @ss shoes off