Most Air Jordan Player Exclusives are made for professional sports athletes, but this Air Jordan V (5) Retro PE is made for a different type of player. Mike Phillips, an extraordinary saxophonist, is the only non athlete in Team Jordan and this pair was made exclusively for him. Being a part of Team Jordan definitely has its perks and having a player exclusive made for you is one of them. This PE is very similar to the Air Jordan 5 (V) Retro Black/Metallic Silver-Red which released in 2007 and the only notable difference between the two pairs is the lack of the number 23 on the player exclusive. Replacing the “23” on the rear of the sneaker is a red saxophone with the letters M and P around it. As it is with most player exclusives, the closest you will get is probably checking out the pictures after the ‘jump.’ Via Kenlu.
Yo why would they make a Michael Phelps PE he cant wear dem kicks in the pool! lol what a idiot jordan must be!
^^^^u need tha learn ta read.they are MIKE PHILLIPS pe's not MICHAEL PHHELPS. u must be a lil slow in tha head
thats actaully a bong, not a saxaphone. i want a pair. imma dub em the "phelps 420's"
^^^ u a clown my dude
they my favorite jordans
LOVIN EM… got 2 pairs still icy
Im so jealous of these just cuz their is a saxophone on them. sax is an amazing instrument and Mike P is amazing at it!!!!
I got to watch a preseason NBA Game Orlando v Miami a couple years ago in Tampa and he played the anthem, INCREDIBLE. What's even better was I sat next to him floorside and we chatted about him playing with Stevie Wonder, and I noticed he was wearin a nasty pair of 6s. Only musician sponsored by Jordan!
JB should have done a pair for Mike Patton. He used to rock 'em hard back in the day, 5's and 6's. And he rooooolz!
oh, these are nice!!!
oh these are nice!!!
you know ima be in line for these
you know ima be in line 4 deez
for da blonde ppl dat dont kno dese r player exclusives dat are not gonna b 4 sale n dey da only pes made for a muzik player u ppl shuld really read
Is that a Mary j Pipe i see on the side of the shoe. I guess that's what the M and P stand for.
"Michael Phelps" LMAO at #1 and 2
I used to intern for Mike Philly's label Hidden Beach Recordings and had oppotunity to host Mike when he came to my city for a few shows. He is really good dude. Wise and talented, but mainly down to earth. He's been signed to JB since the 17's were released. He plays with Prince and Stevie Wonder when ever they tour. And if you catch him on the court, don't sleep, cuz his J is pure. Check out his CD's "You Have Reached Mike Phillips" and "Uncommon Denominator", The Unwrapped Series and Pop Jazz Volume 1.