So far, most of the sneak peeks we’ve gotten of the Air Jordan VI “Infrared Pack” have been of the black/infrared pair. However, pictures of BOTH pairs included in this package have now surfaced. While concrete release information is still unavailable, you can enjoy these preview shots, but don’t blame us if your hearts are broken when perhaps this prototype is scrapped or unwanted changes are made. As we should all know by now, anything can happen with Jordan Brand.
i'm happy with my varsity reds… so i'll pass.
I think these are both varsity red 6's… If they are the infrared then damn! I want to see how the package looks it self.. with the box and everything… But why would jordan brand do something stupid by releasing var reds then infrareds
No release date yet???
Something doesnt seem right. I bet JB wont release these in the U.S
Why do they keep using that nappy ass nu buck that shit is ugly it wears quickly and no cleaner can resolve any mishaps on the shoe. The whites are smooth but the black can get four thumbs down. BRING OUT ORIGINAL BLACK INFRARED DAM HOW HARD IS THAT. I'm 30 years old so it really upsets me to see the fuck ass nu buck on the shoe. Like my man said shit if you got the varsity reds your good. NO NU BUCK!
agreed, i refuse to buy a shoe with nu buck, their was nothing wrong with the OG why change it.
Jordans are wack so far this year until this year, none were worth copping for me this year so far……
Sorry, I was kinda out of there if you catch my drift! Lol…
First of all, the OG XI had durabuck. The Varsity Reds and Infrareds are a suede upper. Second, Jordan Brand are missing with the colors and why re-release the shoe and try to fool people by calling the reds different names? The quality on the retros are suspect execpt on the all leather uppers and that's questionable too. I'm trying to get amped for the retro comebacks, but after seeing this low quality crap, I'd rather just look at the photos
supperrrr wackkk i stay w. my varsity reds !!!! wo NO WORD FOR DIZ CRAP
i dont see why people are hating on these. i hate infrareds so i wouldnt cop the pack for those but the white infs are so fresh. I guess thats cool that most of u guys are not buying them less people with em
lukz lyk fire red 2 me. i thot it waz pozed 2 b lyk a lil pink-ish. neway not coppin.
LOL smh Prashant, that has got to be the DUMBEST thing I've ever read (even dumber than Realtalk's admitted mistakes) – who really buys shoes for their packaging? Are you going to be rockin' it when you break the shoes out? WOW, it's people like you that make JB think that they should invest more in the quality of the boxes when they really need to reconsider how they keep innovating their shoes because they're only declining in terms of quality!! Get this out of here, I want some REAL infrared with nice quality that's remotely comparable to that of the originals … lol, I bet these would look maaaad custy even after 10 years of keeping 'em on ice b/c they're just that poorly made!
really i don't care what any one says these are not infrared until their are better pics. Those both still look like varsitys in every pic i have seen.
Releasing the black in suede twice in one year is dumb as hell, even if they call it infrared this time.
And nubuck is the worst material, I would mutch rather cop the 2006 DMP VI and XI pack b/c was the last good quality VI's to release.
I just want to see the how the package looks because im already going to get it anyways… Already disappointed on the quality on these, plus these dont even look like OG infrareds.
or they dont even look like the retros either
these j's are trash. Not because of the shoe i love the 6's but the quality of the j's now and days is getting worse by the release. They kno we gonna get hype over them because they haven't dropped in a while so why make a good shoe like the old days they gonna buy them anyways. I'll pass
FUCK THIS PACKAGE.I still have two pair of DS INFAREDS from 2001.JB keep making people waste their money on bullshit.Who the fucks wants two pair of 6's that look damn near the same.He needs to go back to the original formula that had us craving jordans the 90's till early 00's.This garbage he's released is going to make me stop copping j's.
Ya. varsity red. Nubuck sucks. In 2 months they will be red and yellow, if you catch my meaning.
Vs and VIs are great but don't hold up over time…..
June 19th is the release date according to! Which is stupid cuz JB has the white pair coming out on the 12th, I hope thats not accurate.
all i can say is i hope these come out.
Much like everyone else i fail to see the difference in these and the Varsity reds.
may 29th releasing in the u.s.
cannot reveal sources…
These will be copped…all yall beginners take a look at Mj in '91 when he had these on..that color red was the same …
more of a fire red colorway…nicely done
preshant: you're dumb and a disgrace to jordan's go stick with your and1's or even your weak payless shoes
JC: 23isback is an irrelevant source they get their stuff from other places
???: may 29th is the powder blue 9 release date why would they release the package the same day
OMG! i saw this and almost crapped my pants! so glad the rumors were true! JB, dont change anything on these! and for those who dont see the difference between infra and varsity, get some glasses guys, you can clearly see the difference in the 2nd and last pix. cant wait for the actual release date to surface!
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I LOVE !!!! Shes’s so cool!