Yesterday an Air Jordan XI ‘Concord’ sample was spotted in the hands of Hip Hop artist Drake. There was no official word on if they were the 2011 version or just a sample pair. Sure enough, they have been confirmed as samples. Not just any samples mind you, they were once supposed to be released alongside the Air Jordan XII (12) ‘Taxi’ in the 2008 CDP. We’ve all seen the Air Jordan X (10) sample with the #45 stitched onto the side panel that were also going to be a CDP release then were eventually scrapped.
“just found out from very reliable sources at Jordan brand these are not 2011! They are 2008 from the countdown pack samples! This sample was sent to drake in 09 at his request! Once again confirmed from Jordan brand sources these are not 2011 they are 2008 CDP samples!!!!!!!!” –Daclosetcollector
What are your thoughts; 45 vs. 23, who takes it?
the 45 is cool because of the uniqueness but the 23 looks better
keep the 45 on em!!!!
If they are cdp quality, they must be uncomfortable like the Breds too!
No way; fakes!
45, that’s a bad luck #, MJ said it himself.
What’s CDP mean? 23 is so much cleaner.
nicekicksnunez are you alex?, and cdp stands for countdown pack
#23 4sho
Keep the 23!! But bring the Concord!!
They should release these with the 45