With Christmas fast approaching, one of the most anticipated drops of the year is just around the corner. Following the “Cool Grey” and “Space Jam” releases of the past two years, the “Concord” is considered by many to be the best of the three and one of the greatest Jordan shoes of all time.
Set to drop December 23 at a price point of $180, are these at the top of your holiday wish list?
Via Streething.
this isnt the final product is it?
i thought the soles were not that blue.
my friend in the States sez these would atleast cost $500??
Your friend is misinformed. At consignment sites like flightclubny.com they’ll be around $300 shortly after they release
fxck yeah they on my list
$180 retail…I’m sure they’ll be at FlightClubNY for a ridiculous price, $300 is being modest! Just like they are at all these bootleg early release sites. If a site has a pair of shoes earlier than a few weeks of release, you can nearly guarantee they’re B-Grade’s or variants/rejects. If you’re hunting these down and are looking for an early release pair steer clear of VMVinc and Marqueesole. PYS.com, Uptempoair.com and Sneakerhead.com are all good, legit early release sites, they usually don’t have the kicks until about a week or so prior to release. I’ve never seen it as bad with the early release scene as these though…the level quality on all these early releases is terrible. Good luck to everyone going out to get a pair of these on release day! Remember be smart and stay safe, if history has taught us anything (space jam and cool grey releases) they’re just kicks, not worth risking your life for…although I’m sure there will inevitibly be a story that makes the news
I got my cool grey 11s from flightclubny for $292, in February and the hype over the concords isnt bigger than the cool greys. $300 for the concords is gonna be pretty accurate.
payn the 200 to get mine a week early
Lebrons 9 Chinas over these! Jordan keeps dropping Retros starting to get boring and old seeing everyone else with the same kicks! Love Jordans but like I said its getting redundant….
I’m wondering if JB can re-release the Jordan Retro VI from the DMP package from 2008. If y’all don’t know what the Jordan Retro VI look like, here’s the link. http://osneaker.com/air-jordan-1/air-jordan-packages/air-jordan-dmp-quotdefining-moments-packagequot-1044.html
they wont if not ever for a long time.
so ready for these