By now we have all seen the Air Jordan XI ‘Cool Grey’ along with tons of apparel to coincide with this year’s most anticipated release.
With that, check out what is now available over at SneakerHotline. This titanium dog-tag/ keychain of the popular Air Jordan complete with its own special box.
While the price is pretty steep, at $89.99, it’s still pretty cool. Would you consider purchasing?
That's soooo sick, but for $89.99 I can get a real pair of shoes ! Lol
Man fuck that dog-tag.I wouldn't pay 90 for a fucking dog tag.That shit should have come with the damn shoes.Then jb think by putting it in a special box makes it cool to charge people 90 dollars.JB cut the DUMB shit out.
If i had money to blow away i might…butt
this thing is worth every cent. look if you got a good job. the hell $89. this things hot. and im buying.
No fucking way i`ll drop that much for a chain??????? i think people at jordan are losing their fucking minds!!!!!