For those of you that don’t know, 2013 is, in Chinese astrology, the “Year of The Snake”; however, with all the “Toro Bravo” Air Jordans we’ve seen this year, it looks like 2013 is the Jordan Brand “Year of the Bull”. We’ve seen the Air Jordan IV Retro “Toro Bravo”, which releases this weekend; pics of the Air Jordan VI Retro “Toro Bravo”, set for release God knows when; and now, the Air Jordan XIV Retro “Toro Bravo”, which we bring you a look at today. Truth be told, we honestly don’t know if this was a sample from years past, or something we might be seeing in the near future, but if recent releases mean anything (remember, the “Toro Bravo” Spiz’ikes also dropped near the end of 2012), we might be seeing these release in the next several months, along with the Air Jordan VI “Toro Bravo” (maybe a “Toro” pack?). Hit the jump for a look at this suede stunner, and let us know what you think in the comments below.
Via Giaydebang
05′ sample
papa likes
I would buy these in a heartbeat. Maybe even faster.
Will totally fuck wit these if they come out!
This sample is old as fuck. Dumb for getting your hopes up.
@theatb your mom is dumb for having you!