While doing my daily searching on Ebay I came across a lot of pictures of the Air Jordan XX2 Basketball samples. At a closer look, the detail of the basketball leather really gives this shoe personality. I know many sneaker heads out there have mixed feelings on them, but the work, design and thought put in the Air Jordan XX2 Basketball is well done.
easy copped
I dont care what anybody says. These jordans are almost as ugly as the XV. People keep saying they will grow on you , but they still haven't. The XXII are a step back from a solid XXI shoe that came out last year.
They are growing on me, but don't know if I'll get 'em.
ugly! ugly! ugly! ugly! get smacked for rocking them ugly!
I damn near got almost every Jordan released but these Im gonna pass on!!! They R so UGGGLLLYYY I wont be seen rockin these anywhere!!! Where r these designers gettin it wrong???!!! the XX!'s r SOLID but these XXII's r so whack Im sure they'l bring out the XXIII a lot quicker to cover up this mess!!!!!!!!!!!! UGLY UGLY UGLY. Just keep the design simple…….
well…I think there hott. and anyone with any sense of style and class would know how to rock them right and in good taste. trust me…when you see somebody rock em right; you'll think otherwise. thats disrespectful to criticize the design of a Mogul. just say you don't have the style for em or they not for YOU. not to mention as far as I can see. these shoes going on ebay for $500 and above already. so…when they drop on the 17th…Ill be live in store to purchase two for me. a pair for my nephewson (lol) and pair for my pops bcuz I like em…and I think there hottt.
you'll catch us stunnin at All-Star this weekend. I'm out.
the retro 3's out 2-24-07 are HOTT as well.
these are the best shoes i ever bought…i bought them for basketball season and they are workin jus GREAT so leave them the heck alone aight u jus dont have good taste
i love em
I FUCKING LOVE THEM!!!…….never seen anything like them..and thats what makes them the shiitt!!!