Yesterday we showed you the Air Jordan XX2 PE Chicago City Series, now a similar color that everyone loves will release but not apart of the series. This Air Jordan XX2 PE features White, Metallic Silver, Varsity Red and also like its counterpart the Black and Red Air Jordan XX2 will feature Chicago laser print on the midsole.
A lot of Jordan XX2 PE’s are scheduled to release, I really wonder if they will hit outlets or sell well? The release date is November 3rd 2007 and retail is $150. Via Jordan8420.
dey hot
they look hot but for some reason i dont want them
They look fresher than any other of the 22's that have or are set to release be it "p.e." or Sig. line..
Yo dey mo hot than the regs. im bout switch the reg xx2 4 deez
So Damn Delicious
ehhh i would copp if it goes under retail
they better than the originals but i still pass
Y'all hate new jordan's, but your gonna wish you copped in five year's from now. Just like AJ16, 17, 18, 19 etc. Y'all hated those too when they released but now you want 'em. Damn shame. The problem is'nt JB. It's YOU the people. Time to admit it folk's.
these are freaken reaken awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! like big time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Mike is very right. I was the same way with the XV's, XVIs, and XIX's and now I want 'em bad. I don't know how I slept on some of these……same with the 1st two Spiz'ikes. Now everybody wants those two….it won't be long before the King's County falls into the same category even though you can readily buy them now. I didnt sleep on those, tho. I'll pass on these but they could be some cook kicks. Just waiting for the Aquas at this point and the Orange/white 8's. I def aint feeling these PE kicks….maybe the Seattles and Detroit but that's it. I like the original XX2's more out of the bunch.
SWEET, I like'em, I want'em BAD.
The XX2's needed some bulking up, great design.
Hey Technutt, I'm sure a lot of people regret passing on past Jordan's. But to say that someday people will regret not buying Spiz'ikes is ridiculous. It is hideous shoe, and the KC's are the worst of them all. I think your initial reaction to a shoe is the most genuine. If you regret not buying a shoe that you didn't like later down the road and want to get it now, that just shows that the shoe itself is not the reason why you want it. You want it just because you don't have it and others do.
Well Rob, you obviously need talked to. The spizike's are a tremendous hit and you know it or you wouldn't have to mention it. JB hasn't moved a shoe like this since the 11 or 13 or 3,4,5 retro's, and it seem's like no one can shut up about em. So you know it's hot. People constantly downplay cuz they don't have the money so they find something bad to say about to make them selve's feel good. That's no way out BUD. Don't worry, I know deep down inside you really like em, So no need to lie about it.
I just got a pair. I haven't had a pair of Jordans for a while now. I love them as much as I loved my 3's the 1's were ok. If you can get a pair.
man diss shoes are sick dats why i got em ahah