There’s no denying it; Joe Haden just murdered the scene in his Nike Air Mag “Black Mag” custom.
First previewed back in August, we still can’t get enough of this stellar custom created by Kickasso Kustoms. Could you image if Nike release a retro version of the Nike Air Mag in black? How sick would that be, and would you be willing to purchase it?
Drop a comment below and as always keep it here at Sneaker Files for more!
Sick af!
Where they do dat at
FAKE lol
I like them elites though
Them things r Versace
Fake !
hell naww…if i was high on crack and extacy and going to a rave yeahh!!!
Ugly af
I need those
will laugh at whoever has the courage to wear those things in public.
Cory Strickland ill rock em but you gotta game A1 dealing with these cause they different
I can buy a house and a car wt those!super fly so fresh
Them joints are Lamar Odom CRACK !!!!!!
this hot prize $$$$ 23.000.00
These shits are crack
These shits are that New Jack City out The Carter cracc cocaine!
Kickasscustoms did them and posted it on IG months ago.. Hypebeast cant tell a custom ffrom a fake.
Now those are ILL
맥을 커스텀하다니…대단한 새키ㅠ
Is that Jay-Z camel lookin ass in a helmet on leggings lol
Ugly as Fuck are those space boots
Rafael Martinez
2015 can’t get here fast enough!!!
They look like light up scuba boots with a Nike symbol on them
Some shyt prince would wear space boots
Sick :)
Holy shit I love these shoes my eyes lit up like a kid in the candy store
Yea ya got to have da fit….Eric Wright
Cory Strickland 2013 Nino Brown type ya digg
Awwwww I remember my Power Rangers light ups too!
William Peralta OMFG !!!!
Asm . . . . .
Walimarc Fran Melecio Kung limpyo lang gyud ni ug lapa2x kay payter kaayo ni…
#back to the …mag#
im gonna hunt you down and rob you with my pellet gun.
lol wtf those look like rollerblades without the wheels hahaha. wack
Stefan Miljanovic
Do they come with a warranty and a test drive.
Omg I want them I’m in love
Mayyyynnnneee this bitches that fie!!!!
Sometimes you need a little bit of madness :-D
Esse e de assistir um jogo fora da órbita .basket estelar por exemplo kkkkkkk
the originals were in the movie Back to the future II
Alex Yonan
Wat da….
wtf is happening in this picture?