As many brands, and adidas itself, have already done, sneaker silhouettes are being designed to help those living in frigid winter weather areas. The winterized boot pictured here draws inspiration from the original adidas Marathon Trainer. The adidas Originals by Originals crew teamed up with soccer superstar David Beckham and UNDFTD co-owner James Bond with the result being this mid-top Marathon in a predominantly black colorway with royal blue accents on the top of the tongue and in the form of accompanying shoe laces, of which there are three sets. And, as we’ve seen on adidas sneakers and boots prior to this, this Marathon mid comes equipped with Gore-Tex material to keep moisture and cold out, while maintaining your feet warm and firmly on the ground vis-a-vis the rugged outsole. There is even a secret zipper compartment on the tongue. These are now available through select adidas and adidas ObyO retailers. Check out this Marathon mid in different angles after the jump.
Via Freshness.
Youre tellin me Beckham would rock these? hahahahaha noooo way
it looks like daggers on the bottom…..wack