Coming this Fall 2007 is the 20/94 line between DC Shoes and New Era. In this preview so far we have a New Era x DC fitted Cap and the DC 20/94 Volcano. Both are matching with a Lime Green, Black, White and a smooth Blue. Look for the DC Shoes x New Era 20/94 pack this fall. Via HS.
ay…da shoes iz hot…i'm on dem tuff…so rite
where can you buy dose shoes they is tight!!!!!
whens them babies hit the stores im gettin a pair dawg
yeeeeeaaahh ah yeeeeea
i love ummm
Hey, does these shoes have a release date yet?
i love these shoes im gonna buy a pair. r.i.p. dimebag darrell
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when these bitchs hit the store i wanna see how well they stay together when i am skatin and what is the release date and how much are they????