So far we’ve discussed whose signature series boasts the greatest overall performance & whether or not sneakers are best used for performance or casual purposes. Today, we have done our best to accumulate some of the most memorable signature sneakers brought to you by Nike and wondered; who did it best?
There are tons of Player Edition sneakers made by brands throughout each season. However, to get a signature sneaker is something that every athlete would love to have. Many of the signatures that are being featured have been short lived… some are not true signatures but are typically associated with the athlete that made them famous. The Jordan Legacy at this point has been the sole exception with its ongoing series each and every year since ’85.
With so many athletes having had a signature shoe, only one at this time has been able to withstand the test of time. At this point it’s unclear if Kobe, LeBron & Durant will withstand a legacy line that will continue long after their careers are over.
So with that, take a look at each series and let us know which was the best short lived signature series and why. Is there a specific memory attached to the line? Was one of these sneakers your very first pair? Do they hold a certain sentimental value?
Note: We are sure there are signatures that were missed but I have done my best to try and provide as many as I could remember.
Alonzo Mourning
Chris Webber
Amare Stoudemire
Jason Kidd
Tim Duncan
Kevin Garnett
Vince Carter
Dennis Rodman
Gary Payton
Charles Barkley
Scottie Pippen
Penny Hardaway
LMAO No competition Penny Hardaway
Then probably Charles Barkley
I like the webbers and the rodmans they look good to play ball
You guys forgot these Pennys the Zoom Flight 96, to Air Go LWP, & the Nike Air Up (which were Penny & pippens sig shoes)
Penny. Done dizzle.
i don’t what ya talking about the Penny’s are still going strong and most def the Pippen’s and the Barkley’s are well missed even though i had to get me a pair of the retro Pippen’s last year
What about pippy’s (more uptempo) … N (air max uptempo??
Barkley had like 3 more shoes I gotta go in my closet n look I’ll re post after
Wait are you guys only putting them up if there names are in the name of the shoe??
Awww no love for The Glove?
Penny’s hands down! BUT HOW DO YOU FORGET THE PIPPEN NIKE AIR UP’S!?!?!?!?!?!?!
I wouldn’t say the penny’s are short lived. You are forgetting the half cent’s those are new and the new lwp mash up’s coming out later this year. Pennies are still going strong I don’t think they should be on the list as short lived. When I hear short lived I’m thinking once the player retires all signature brands stop and become retros nike is still creating shoes with this man’s name (and retroing) on it so that doesn’t fit the decription as short lived in my opinion.
And what about the Garnett jumpman pro even tho it wasn’t nike that was his signature shoe on his short lived jordan deal
I wish they would retro the Nike Air Zoom Flight 98 (Gary Payton) and the Nike Air ShakeNDestrukt (Dennis Rodman). That would be what it is…
the thing that really irratates me is that Barkley’s and Pippen’s shoes arn’t even all shown. Barkley’s best shoes were the 180’s and then his first pair of air maxs. Pippens best shoe was the one with the time traveling comercial and no air windows in the shoe. you’d think sneaker news would of got this right……
No love for the Kidds maybe because they put the weak colorway up. Big ups to J.Kidd
Tim Duncan had one pretty nice shoe before his addidas horseshit
My personal rating would be:
1st – Penny Hardaway
2nd – Charles Barkley
3rd – Chris Webber
4th – Jason Kidd
5th – Scottie Pippen
But like other members mentioned above, a lot of the signature shoes are missing from the above list.
Penny then Barkley … man shoes looked so much better back in the day.
1st Penny without a doubt and then Dennis Rodman
pretty sure duncan had anoher shoe as well. Rubber on top kinda looked like a dolphin nose to me.
pretty sure duncan had another shoe as well. Rubber on top kinda looked like a dolphin nose to me.
pretty sure duncan had another shoe as well. Rubber on top kinda looked like a dolphin nose to me.