Camping for kicks… I was told this is something that needs to be experienced at least once in a SneakerHead’s lifetime.
While I’ve been buying and ‘collecting’ sneakers since my Freshman year of High School, camping is something I’ve never actually done until earlier this week. The age of the internet is upon us, camping for sneakers is something I’ve never HAD to do because everything I had wanted was just a click away. Ten years of collecting and never one camp-out… until now.
My experience was very interesting, to say the least…
I work a normal 9-5, as most of us do, so camping isn’t usually something I’m able to do. This week, however, saw the release of the Air Jordan 1 ‘Banned’ in limited quantities at select Nike Outlet and Factory Stores. Hype isn’t even the term one can appropriately use to describe this particular release. Want is a term we SneakerHeads use frequently, because we all WANT the shoe… but these were different… I NEEDED these!
Never have I put in more work prior to a release. We all know when a certain sneaker is releasing, we prepare for such releases patiently; making room in the closet, saving up some extra cash in case there is a need to double up. That was not the case with the Banned AJ1… I called every Nike Outlet and Factory Store located in Northern California. Getting a different answer each and every time which was excruciating and quite frankly… It was starting to irritate the crap out of me. Once I finally had the location, I only needed to know when. Again, getting the runaround at this store was just as irritating as trying to find the shoes in the first place. “They’ll release in store on the 3rd”, a few hours later… “We will release them on the 1st”… this went on for 1 ½ weeks. Once the release date was confirmed, it was on… I was getting these shoes, no matter what.
I had the whole thing planned, I would leave work and drive 2 hours to the Nike Outlet and sit there until doors opened so I could get my kicks. As soon as I was dead set on the situation at hand, I received a swift kick in the genitals as my wife reminded me she had work that day so I could not take our car for the night. Of course, I told her to call in sick… and of course, she refused. What is a SneakerHead to do in a situation like this? Well… I rented a car… seriously.
I arrived at the Nike Store in Vacaville, CA after a 2 hour drive. Once I pulled into the lot, I noticed the line was only 14 deep! I whipped that rented Chevy Cobalt into the very 1st parking space I saw. Rushing out of the car with only a chair and backpack in hand, I sat in my spot proud as ever… I made it… I was going to get my sneakers!
Shortly after arriving, others soon followed. Not only was I one of 114 or more people in line waiting for our chance to obtain just 1 of 98 pairs available, but some of my fellow SneakerHeads actually knew who I was. They were supporters and subscribers of mine on my YouTube Channel. At first this was slightly awkward… however, it soon turned from being a weird situation to being one of the coolest things I’ve ever been apart of. The community atmosphere that I yearned the sneaker world to be actually was just that… we were a community of people, all different races, sizes, ages, genders from all different backgrounds and walks of life who had come together to one place with one intention; to buy a pair of sneakers. Waiting for 15 hours in the cold together, talking about kicks… it was something I will not soon forget.
Not surprisingly, there were also others in this same line up of individuals. They were into sneakers as we all were, however… these were resellers, and they made it clear why they were there. This group of people were not only in the same line as I, they were holding spots for others to just walk up by day break and stand in line as if they had been the ones sitting in the cold all night long. To top it off, this group, which kept on growing, were directly in front of me. It went from two guys, to four, six… then by 7AM there were roughly 12 additional people in front of me. I went from being 15th in line to 27th and I soon began to worry if I was even going to get my size. Believe me, I was not happy about this… this is exactly what I had written about in a previous discussion thread on resellers. These people were out there hustling to get every single pair they could get their hands on.
It was around 5AM when the head honcho of the reseller group and I had a conversation. Everyone else was either asleep or higher than Smokey from ‘Friday’. We had a great conversation to be perfectly honest, and he wasn’t a bad person either. I cant recall exactly how the subject came up, but we eventually dove into the fact that this was my very first camp-out. I think he was more shocked that I was essentially a virgin to the art of camping for kicks than I was that he and his group of friends were blatant resellers. This isn’t even the most interesting part…
Two hours later, the Manager arrives so he can open doors early for all of us. Numbered tickets were being handed out and now everyone, for the first time in 15 hours, was dead quiet. This is where we all started to wonder if we were going leave with a pair in our size… let alone a pair at all. It’s also where I ended up eating my own words for the 1st time in my entire life! As I said earlier, more and more people were getting directly in front of me, which made me think I rented a car, drove 2 hours and sat outside in the cold for 15 hours to end up leaving empty handed… all because of a group of resellers.
Now this is where it gets interesting… We are about 5 minutes away from 8AM, which is when doors open, allowing six of us in at a time. I see the group of resellers in front of me discussing who will purchase which size. Then out of nowhere, the head honcho points towards the back of his group. At this point I’m nearly a member of the walking dead, so I’m not sure who he was pointing at, I was just positive it wasn’t me. Sure enough, he was pointing at me… directly at me. He tells me and my two friends I was waiting in line with to come up to the front with him… he said “I’m going to guarantee you leave your first camp-out with exactly what you want.” Now, you have to understand that I’m a 5’7” white kid from the Bay while this guy looked like he could be a stunt double for Big Black (Rob & Big) so I wasn’t about to argue with him either way. I will say this, I wont take back the things I said in the discussion on resellers, however, they aren’t all bad people. I don’t agree with their ways, but I will not judge them as harshly either… especially when one showed me such kindness when it was going to cut into his profit.
That 15 hour period was a wonderful experience, one that I wont forget. Not only will I always remember that day and night full of memories, every time I look at the Air Jordan 1 ‘Banned’, I cant help but think of that crazy night I had trying to chase a pair of shoes and actually succeeded.
I’m sure most of you have been camping for kicks, how was your experience(s)? Share your stories with us below and let us know which campout was your favorite and why.
but technically you only got what you want because you are who you are which doesn't says much for the whole camping experience. Still something I'll never do. Living in NYC we have the luxury of many different stores. Once one sells out another will have it.
Never had to camp in Toledo Ohio but I have stood in the cold for 5 hours to get my cool greys that was the biggest release up here these kats in Toledo don’t no the shoe game just about everytime a pair come out usually don’t sell out quick. That’s sum cool shit the reseller did that those fools wouldn’t do it here but camping or hourly standing is always sum fun you got to experience if your a true Sneakerhead!
Cool story man, but I still think JB should've released these to the public!! These AJ 1 "Banned" was truly one of the rarest and unexpected releases ever! SMFH that they ended up on eBay for $300++ -_____-
good story. but at the end of the day, resellers are selling for 400-500 easy. fuck em. resellers aren't "bad" people. but they are greedy as fuck. u were happy because you got what you wanted. but if you got bumped further and got nothing, would you still have the same opinion? that's what happened to folks toward the end of the line you were in.
I've been collectin' since the 1st pair dropped in '85 and I still got every OG ever released in every color. One thing I learned over the years is that there is no shoe worth campin' for. There are soooooo many other places you can get a pair of 100% authentic J's that they claim only come out in limited quantities. People always say dont buy from overseas but thats where the kicks are made. You just have to know ur sh!t when ya' order em'. I've gotten a lot of retro's that were sold out in the states from Asia and they are 100% legit. I'd rather do that then pay 3-4 times retail and have sum a$$hole send me a pair of fakes which have been overloadin' Ebay for quite sometime now.
And jujo is right. These RESELLER'S aren't bad people. They're just greedy muthaf@cka's that fuck up the shoe game for REAL collector's and those who are ACTUALLY gonna wear the kicks. They're just a mini version of wall street bankers!
fuck the limited release let everyone have a pair, if u have been collecting for 20 years like i have or you;re new to the jordan or sneaker thing, let everyone enjoy the thrill of getting the classics and the new to come. Jordan should know by now, we carry on legacy in the sneakerworld.
that's a great story…i've met some great people and shared some great stories camping out.
and as you point out – frequently, the resellers do gaffle everyone and mess it up for everyone – and while it is really cool that this one looked out for you and your friends – unfortunately, I think that's the exception more then the norm.
i understand that everyone's got their own hustle and they got to make their money – someway, but sometimes, I just wish they didn't roll so deep..i mean bringing one or two dudes is one thing, but rolling up with a whole squad of jokers just messes it up for everyone.
great story though…glad it worked out … congrats man…
Great Story. I camped out for 10 hours for the Black/Green and Red Spizikes the 3rd release.
but the reseller might be a small problem. but in my area the Problem is the Store workers holding sizes. I have been the 4th in line and not got my size. i know they hold shoes all the time for friends not cool to ppl that wake up early to get a pair.
Ok stop bickering and banterin about the resellers, hypebeast , and who ever else the people are crying over. It seems like that’s all people complain about these days… They are here and apart of the culture and a lot of them have been around a lot longer then you Y2K sneakerheads !!! It’s very simple do your homework know when and where to get ya kix, know if you need to camp out , and be there before the next person. You can never line up too early…. Plus camping out can be fun, you just gotta know how to hold your own.
that's the dumbest thing i've ever heard. that's like saying robbers and carjackers are apart of society so deal with it and don't complain. just cuz they are a part of society doesn't make it right. and about your comment on doing homework (btw i've been collecting about 15 yrs) if you're #50 in line and then a reseller got all his homies bump in front of you and now you're #65 that makes it ok?? how does doing your homework help in that case? the author of this article just got lucky so his experience was good. imagine how he would've felt if he got bumped so far he was stuck buying size 15 or none at all.
I was at the Vacaville store but didn't get a pair, but hands down the experience was dope. I mean real talk where else are you going to see a bunch of cats dressed mad bummy but with some of freshest kicks on there feet. camp outs are a must in our world,you meet cool ass folks and have a chance to cop some dope kicks….win win all around.
p.s. i saw that dude..and he was hella big
The experience in vacaville was cool. I just didnt like how nike outlet did it. They should of gave tickets out when people got there to prevent people cutting or they should of had more security watch over the line. when it was my time to get my sz, I ended up with a 11.5. I was pissed but luckily my friend bought a pair for 220 sz 1/ and I just traded him. I should of had my girl get a tix and sold her spot for 40 haha but o well. She was with me the whole night just so I can get my pair. Sheesh thanks to her for keepin me company, we had netflix on my phone and we watched fam guy, kevin hart stand up (had me dyin) and pawn stars. She went all the way to super eal mart just to get me an extra pair of socks, blanket and food haha.
Note to everyone: wear extra pairs of socks, bring a sleeping bag, dress warm, bring food and bring something for entertainment.
Oh yeah thanks for the followback on twitter sneakerfiles!
*sz 10
people actually camped for these? the AJ 1 came out in the BRED cw 3 times (including this time) in the last 3 years or so. i could give a damn if it has a different box and X on the back or whatever it is. oh and it's limited…. (big deal)
I remember u, I think u where wearing the playoff 13’s..for the record they all were not resellers some of them really had love for the shoe in that group, a couple of them bought size 14’s and I know not to resell lol
I enjoyed the article and I am the so called Big from Rob and Big Look alike V-Major a.K.a O.G, I am not a reseller but I have been buying wearing and collecting Heat for over 20 years! The kicks I had on should’ve been a clue” Aston Martin Kobe Hyperdunk”! Anyway you were cool and I know the feeling of camping out and not getting a pair or like at the Hoh bin 23 retro 5 campout getting a wristband only to have my size mysteriously disappear. This is not a game its a culture stay true to it! All my kicks are livestock! Lol the real sneaker community knows and loves me! I’m everywhere and I always keep it solid. P.s everybody in my crew bought there own size to rock! Not resale! God bless!