Exclusive sneakers, in my opinion, are great but are a little bit like a double edged sword…
With the announcement of the Air Jordan XIII ‘Ray Allen PE’ (and countless other exclusives before them) being an extremely exclusive release it makes you wonder why would a brand that wants to keep their consumer base happy keep such a release so exclusive that a majority of their consumers won’t even have a chance at obtaining a pair unless purchased from a reseller.
Like I said before, these types of releases are great at times. On one hand, it allows only the most dedicated the chance to own something exclusive. Yet, on the other hand it will only allow those who happen to live in that particular area or those willing and able to travel a chance at purchasing, making some fans of the brand that may live in other States and Countries disgruntled.
We can take the True Blue AJ3’s that released in 2009 as another example. That release was not exclusive per say, however, it was a release only available to those who lived outside of the U.S. While they eventually gave everyone a chance to own a pair earlier this month, it took 2 years and countless U.S. residents willing to pay a premium to obtain a pair for themselves… this almost seems like it was more profitable for the aftermarket resellers rather than the Brand itself who could have just released the sneakers worldwide and made their profit. Again, on the other hand, those of us who were patient enough to wait those 2 years were able to grab our sneakers (finally) at retail without hassle.
Exclusives are, again just my opinion, made and released for ‘the best of the best’ as far as sneaker enthusiasts/ collectors/ fans are concerned. Yet, it ends up leaving out a huge chunk of us who just can’t obtain the shoe due to its rarity.
More often than not, I wish for everyone to at least have a fair chance at purchasing a pair of shoes, no matter how rare or exclusive they are. Of course, that’s not always the case but it makes me wonder what everyone’s thoughts are about such releases.
With that said; what are your thoughts on exclusives, are they good or bad, do you not care either way? Does it only bother you when that exclusive shoe isn’t released in as many locations as they could so even if you wanted them you would have to purchase aftermarket?
Share your thoughts with us and let us know how you feel.
I totally agree with your statement!!! I feel that way about the Jordan 1 Banned sneaker as well as this one… Exclusives should available to everyone… If not in the store, then everyone should be able to purchase at nike.com…
Boy Charles C must live in the burbs! Real talk. Out here in Wade County you ain't going to be flossin no exclusive nothing try to cop some soles. You just going to get straight robbed. Goons here in the 305 stalk campers like cheetahs stalk prey. In fact, herbs out here is known to pay goons to stand in line or stand watch incase dudes come with the funny business. Credibility! Please! Only credible is the dude standing on the stock end of a chopp….
U a bitch! Real talk!!! Dade is weak. Everyone knows the real heat in FLA is in Duval! Why is it the first thing when someone talks Dade tries to say they will rob ya? Its weak. Don't u know that real boys move in silence?
You forgot to say like lasagna tough guy. And if the goons out there are stalking people in line for shoes to rob them for a pair of sneakers…. Wow thats low grade goonism. Sneakers..lol sucks if they rob somebody n theyre the wrong size. Shhheeiiit. And real talkin boys do move in silence like the ones that rap with J. LO n when they go to jail they request a segregated cell so they don't become somebody's weezy f baby the f stands for Fuit … Cocktail !!!
It must be dangerous out there in wade n dade county cuz Dj Khaled comes out with a great song about the "hood". "I'm So Hood" n "Welcome To My Hood". And soon to be released ft Tpain "Rob Shoes In My Hood". YeeYaahh State of DisneyWorld, Oranges, Sunny Beaches and Shoe Theives. BOSSS!!'
My opinion this AJ XIII PE's release is pure horseshit. I can understand exclusive, but damn release it at a spot everyone can get to (even if it may take lining up). Releasing them in Boston and MIA is a slap in the face to all the loyal collectors who drop $150+ every single release. Its ridiculous. Its not creating hype, its creating angry fans. That's just my opinion anyway.
I can understand 'em releasing 'em in Boston, but MIA?? Just watch as these AJ XIII's PE's end up on eBay or FC for $400+. JB is gonna loose their fans slowly!
hell ya this shit makes me mad! it also make me want to stop buying them as wel! i already plan on falling back on buying jordans! because out of the last two years i only missed 6 pair!i could be saving that money for some else!
sb better jays
As i said before just put out these pairs as GRs as they did back in the day, no one gave 2 craps about the rare-ness , it kills it instead of making it better
@Elliot, no need to resort to petty childish insults online, as I'm sure everyone on here wouldnt mind lining up for them. But not EVERYONE who buys sneakers live in Massachusetts and Florida to be able to do so. That's what I'm saying. If they were limited release in my state, I'd have no problems camping, I'd welcome it.
Exclusives are for real sneakerheads. Save money and wait in line that is what the game is for. Why would want everything you own a general release, and see everyone wearing the same shoe you wearin. If you just started gettin jordans now you have to realize that they are shity quality and they sell them for 30 dollars more. They stopped makein quality Jordans after 2006. This isn't being a hypebeast, but everyone can not get wat they want
yo why ya keep talkin about waitin in line?? do you NOT understand what DOOMBUG is sayin? There isnt a problem in waitin in line…but AT LEAST give us a chance to wait in line..this is some bull. I got fam in Miami thats picking up a pair for me at Solefly…so Im not that upset…but at the same time..thats wack! at least put it in one store in each city and let us try to camp for them but damn…to not even give us that chance….thats real wack JB…
I agree give us a chance to wait in line…..and I wouldnt mind GR's cause throughout the 90's thats all jordans and nikes were….its people out here payin top dolla for GR's that came out back then…..But at the the end of the day its just a shoe which will eventually tarnish and wear every single pair I own cause they cost too much to sit on a shelf even with my discount…Even if you live in state it doesnt make sense to drive 2 or 3 hours for a single pair of kicks especially with the price of gas in this economy
Another reason why I don't waste my time with "exclusives". General releases are ok with me. If I miss out on some releases, I ain't tripping. There's "limited editions", than there's "super limited editions", than there's 23 only pairs per store, then there's 2,300 only pairs in existence, then there's only overseas availability, then there's "anniversary editions", then there's the BIN editions, then there's more other "editions" that I think it's out of control. Ridiculous and just dumb.
Wow "fake .. Dildo..fucks" you must be a sneaker head you probably dont have a woman n your probably gonna fuck that shoe after spending the night to get those exclusives. I seen his picture on facebook, he's definitely gonna fuck that shoe.
I am totally against the exclusive policy, especially when it is for only 2-3 States/Cities, that is just not right…
i feel like that releasing in only 2 locations is a bunch o BS and like alot of you said true sneakerheads that drop $150 plus every time they drop a new kik is bull!!! what really pisses me off is alot of non sneakerheads are going to cop these and put em on ebay for mad cash like the Tokyo 5's another Bull Shit release……. the person in charge of dropping these PE's is a piece of shit and I truley hope he reads all these complaints from all of us!!! i mean cmon 2000 + pairs and only 2 locations i call bull shit and for release like this it really makes me want to get out of the shoe game and honestly the quality of all the re-release retro's are a joke the quality sux and for me and all of you who drop loot on these kiks know what im talkin bout!!!!!
I am a sneaker collector I love jordans I love buying kicks I have a good job and have a wonderful wife. I really love these pe 13 I love em so much ima campout 4 days for em simple if I wanna resale em for 1500 I can I stood outside for 4 days and the people that didn’t complains all day and people that complains are the people that don’t have the courage to travel and campout and is broke with no job. If you a sneakerhead make the trip and get em and stop being a little pussy bout it. because if everybody had a pair they be resale em to. Resellers deserve credit and saving your lazy ass the trouble of camping out. True sneakersheads stand up broke ass people who gets mad and complain cuz they don’t have no money sit the fuck down