The NBA Lockout has been getting more and more irritating, for everyone involved… Owners, Players, local businesses and most importantly the fans.
TNT NBA analysts, Ernie Johnson along with fellow analysts and former players Shaquille O’Neal, Kenny Smith, Charles Barkley, Chris Webber, Reggie Miller & Steve Smith sit down and discuss the lockout. While Ernie plays it safe, I’m surprised at how uneven the former players opinions are at this time.
While I agree with a little bit of everyone’s input, it was Barkley’s words on the current issue that had me nodding my head in utter agreement. The players have willingly sacrificed more in order to get the NBA back on schedule while the Owners continue to have their thirst for unlimited wealth quenched, which at this point seems impossible.
Billionaires fighting with millionaires… while all of us have to sit here and wait. If they would just agree to something they could start earning revenue much faster than wasting countless hours playing with 1-3%.
Take a look at the debate and let us know how you feel. We know you want the NBA back, but who is in the wrong here; is there anyone’s statements that you agreed with or even disagreed with?
Let us know down below and lets hope we get more than a pair of Concords this Christmas.
Part 1
Part 2
Let’s play Ball! NBA players & owners should agree with Mr Stern’s latest proposal so the 2012 NBA season can begin. Only God is PERFECT!! The players & owners know they can’t have everything they want in whatever Labor deal there will be.
Yeah, the owners may be billionaires, but if they continue to lose 10-15 million a year, it won’t last. Last year was sad going to a Pistons game. Watching lazy, bored, overpaid (Rip, Ben Gordon, Villanueva) millionaires wander up and down the court in an empty arena. No, I would not turn down the contracts these players accepted, but I sure as hell would work my ass off every game! The players won the last CBA agreement. The owners are going to win this one.
Greedy-Fans just want games. Settle or you will lose fans. We like your product but the attitude of the Owners and players is wearing thin. Us fans made and support the salaries. When it comes to pro sports I always say your being paid to play while the rest of us are paid to work.
Man this is a very heavy situation.
this deal is not great for the players but stern is not messing is a soft cap and can go up to 51%. bird rights are bck…i would take the deal..i want kobe on xmas day…magic and kb for sunday conversation b4 xmas! holla!