Today is supposed to be the end of the world… and if you’re reading this… well, you get the point.
Hypothetically speaking, if you did in fact know when, where and how you were going to go… what you would be wearing at the time? After all, if you knew when it was going to happen then I’m almost positive you would be prepared and ensure you’d live the last bit of your life to the fullest.
For me personally, I think I’d like to go out in a pair of White/Cement Air Jordan IV’s… my all time favorite shoe.
In short, what would you choose to rock on your last day on earth?
09 spacejams
DMP 6s or South Beach Lebrons
Today I rocked 09 True Blue's
hare jordan 7's 08
OG 12's red and white my first air jordan ever
My OG 11 J's in White/Black & Dark Concord… Those are the classiest… You stay classy, San Diego!…
Sb Supreme or Udftd 4's
Olympic 7 2005 release. all time favorivte, Cargo shorts and white v-neck
Concord 11
DMP 11s
Damn, I'm gonna have to go with a pair of grape v's and a long sleeve white t. do it simple and clean.
Green Gobbling / Mavs Flightposite 1. My alltime favorite shoe next to eggplant fp1’s. I really want to be buried in a pair.
i had on my SB PAC-Mans,my wife had on her Space jam 11's, my Son had on his AJ13 Playoff's, and my daughter had on her Hot Pink Lebron 8's. Going out in style……..
Left foot Jordan 1 white-red-black OG, right foot Jordan 4 white-red-black og.
wata retard ^^^^
what a douche ^^^^
paris dunks
gucci this gucci that
either the AJ XX3 Finale BRED's or the AJ XX3 Titatniums, because I've never worn either pair, so might as well enjoy them!! Probaly start the day in one and end in the other, I'd have to go out in the Finales for sure…BRED to the bitter end!!
French blue 13’s cargo shorts
Retro V Metallic Silver/Fire Red O.G. Status lol but when i go i will stay in jauys
retro 8s my all time favorite
playoff 13s
grape Vs
my most colorful a pair of 6.0s
some court forces, the pair billy hoyle wore
idk but it b something retro…..
Un-Heaven's gate dunk
! fresh pair of "Wat The Dunks"
I'd crack my Concord 11's
my gray air yeezy
cough drop foams
Larry Johnson Reacts…….Oh Yeah
nice ass tux, dmp 11s. swag
retro 13 black and altitude green, or some og 8's
tiffany dunks, diamond t
i wore my SB todd jordans
i would have to wear your mom out… all-time favorite