Now we all know DJ Clark Kent is a big Nike Air Force 1 head, and well seen him wearing his exclusivly made Nike SB Dunk Forces. Well as a nice holiday treat, we showing just some of his Nike SB Dunk Force 1s part of his personal collection. Jedis, Boca Jr, Supreme and the Brut SB Dunk high are just some of what his collection features. Continue after the jump for a peep of DJ Clark Kents personal collection, and let us know what you guys think.
~ Soleless
tiffany’s are slappin
i really dont understand is he so far into the af1 game that he refuses to just wear normal sbs and he has to just have nike make the same upper an everything except the midsole/sole? i just wana kno
these shoes look weak as hell leave SB as is and air force1 as is……
those are all gay, wear a sb or a a1 dude.
garbage, those soles look goofy as hell
ya’ll are a bunch of haters!!if them shits ever came out everyone would be coppin..fuckin haters!
hey no hate or disrespect intended ^ …but whats the point with putting the AF1 sole on SB dunks? Idk its just a damn sole…whats wrong with the regular SB sole? I guess hes just trying to be different by putting a different sole on the bottom and call them “exclusives” …(im entitled to my own opinion right?) ..Its like if i took an AIR Jordan…and swapped out the sole for an AF1…are they still exclusives???
Those joints are fucking fusions period.I HATE the jordan fusions and im not feeling clark kent putting a DUMBASS airforce 1 sole on a sb.Nike PLEASE DONT GET ANY DUMB IDEAS.