As we teased the Extra Butter x Asics “Death List 5” project earlier this month, Extra Butter has finally unveiled what their latest collaborative project will consist of. Taking inspiration from hit-movie Kill Bill, the “Death List 5” will render five stellar Asics themes models that are revealed in this video trailer. You can expect too see everything from the Asics Gel Saga to the Asics Gel Lyte III, all of which will arrive this September 2013.
Are you ready? Enjoy the video trailer and check out what Extra Butter had to say about the #DL5!
I think we’re done playing games for now. It’s time to get serious and unravel some of the #DL5 mystery. First, let us introduce you to some of our friends that we worked on to put this video, along with last week’s #DL5 Teaser Video together.
A huge and heartfelt thanks to Conner Reddan for directing and editing the video and having so much fun with us in planning this out and working on bringing this vision together. Friends – Sydney Sahr – lent a hand (literally) and got her samurai on, while Steven Battline composed the original cinematic sounds. While working on projects involving something already as exciting to us as releasing our own sneakers, it’s even better when we get to share the project with our awesome and talented friends to take our visions to a whole other level!Besides the recent and less subtle hints we’ve put out, throughout the year we’ve also placed a strong emphasis on the fact that 2013 is the Year of the Snake. The deadly and venomous serpent has seen it’s story told through this year, but nothing quite like the approach we took. The “Death List 5″ video should finally quench some of your wondering thirst about what we’ve been cooking up. Have a look at the full video below and stay tuned for more details on the whole Death List 5 “#DL5″ story to follow!