Kicking things off this morning is a release update for FILAs “Tobacco Road” Pack. Comprised of both the FILA 96 and Spaghetti, Grant Hill and Jerry Stackhouses respective sigs, all of you sneakerheads can now go ahead and mark the 10th of October on your release calendars for that is the new date the collective grouping has been given. Posted after the jump are some ill new detailed images of both pairs of kicks for all of you sneakerheads to check out. Give them all a look and be sure to drop us a line in the comments section below.
FILA Spaghetti
via FILA
ugly ass kicks!! serrio!!
Michael Anaya these ugly
then the grat hills remake
Fila is actually a breed of dogs used to hunt down slaves long ago and they got the nerve to name em tobbacco rd: who do you know who picked tobbacco and cotton”-slaves
Tay Tay Luso
Madelyn Aguinaga there old skool and YAK colors thats why I liked them but they are ugly
They look old skool
Lol ugly to the max!!
Hey I’m oldskool dats all i used to wear when i was young….luv those colors…
Dope grant hillz 1996 jo!
AJ Davis
let fila die. man.
William Cacatiani
Guarantee if these had a Nike logo and came out for Easter,Christmas, AS game you’d love em
You kno we tar heels Tyler Hampton haha
Dese r clean deals dor
Yea they are dope
I really like these! That blue and white combo is a knockout!
man wtf