Gentry Humphrey, of Jordan Brand sat down with the people at Kickz101 to give some insight on where Jordan Brand will be in the future. A lot of questions were asked during the interview, with the main question “Is the Air Jordan line going to continue”? Check out the video, and enjoy.
Is the video working for anyone else?
y aint the video working
Me your an asshole. I was first.
the videos aren't working for me
they all work for me…
some real good info in em too…
and im using a mozilla firefox browser…so if you have that use it
vids not working 4 me
they arnt workin for me wats with that
vids on u tube search sole collector under most recent
Works fine for me…FireFox
This is some interesting info.
seach it on youtube
works for me too. Firefox as well No more past 23 !!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! which is why i need at LEAST TWO pair of every XX3 , ( i could live with ONE PAIR of TITANIUMS :)
my computer doesnt show videos, no matter what browser i use….its a piece of shit, anyone wanna tell me what's in the videos? is G breaking with tradition, or is he still got his head up his ass?
I hope they stop makin' Jordans after 23 & have the retros on Nike iD.
lol…looks like they past around a pair of fake VII
Gentry was talking about how they will be going in a different direction after the 23. he is quoted saying that "Micheal is going to be doing things hes never done before"..saying retros will come out for Micheal Moments in his career( for example) a release of the shoe jordan scored his 20,000th point in. Retros will be quote "harder" to get after 2008. Gentry also said michael always like his shoes with the clean toe and Tinker made the jordan X with a line across the toe, Gentry said all black/White jordan X with the line going across the toe are worth "a lot" of money.. Jordan Brand made 3000 of these pair.. Stopped production then Re produced jodan Xs with a clean Toe. Gentry also said Jordan least favorite shoe was jordan X, and mentioned some of his favs as the IX,XI, XII. Gentry also mentioned they were doing something with skateboarding,
sick,if u look closely they showed the new olympic VII retros in the vid
I think you're right about the VII's at the end sick, plus everything else the man said I am looking forward to 2008 man
by 2008 I definately meant 2009
haha but yeah that was a great interview, good stuff kickz101
dis buss hard bruhh.. =]
did anyone hear about the six rings pack …gentry said its going to be like another spizike……
Bigger chase? they just dont learn… when i hear those words i think about how many people are going to get killed over these sneakers ..
those shoes were one of the "6 rings pack" i beleive
there NOT onlympic VII's!!
there basically another dub-zero/spize'ike!!!
They looked like the VII's to me ……
so when r the 3's n 20's gon' drop?
Good to know whats in store.
If you click on part 5 you can see the 6s at the bottom by Gentry foot
kixs for life said
am March 11 2008 @ 10:30 pm
did anyone hear about the six rings pack …gentry said its going to be like another spizike……
^^ That 6 rings shoe is fugly! It's the 6,7,8,11,12,13 combined in one shoe. If you've seen it, the initial drawing of the shoe is hideous. Makes the Fusions look like magical wonder of awesomeness.
freddy said
am March 11 2008 @ 10:40 pm:
"Bigger chase? they just dont learn… when i hear those words i think about how many people are going to get killed over these sneakers"
^^ Co-sign!
I think the new strategy should be releasing a signature jordan every 23 months… and when it finally gets back to February they should just stop. besides MJ got enough money lol
i feel ya TechNutt
if u look in some of the vids. the bottom right corner has the carmines and it looks to be the 6 rings too the both straight fireeeee