Rumors about an Air Jordan 6 (VI) releasing in 2010 have been floating around for a while, and we now have concrete evidence supporting that and many other claims. Jordan Brand will be releasing a plethora of highly sought after sneakers in ’10, including two styles of the Air Jordan 6, many OG colorways of the Air Jordan Fusion 8 (VIII), and a plethora of new Air Jordan 1 styles. Other key features of this 2010 preview include new colorways of the Air Jordan Spizike, a new high-top model named Classic ’91, a new Team Jordan sneaker dubbed the Jordan Icons, and a city pack of the Air Jordan 16.5. Be sure to check out the many additional pictures after the jump, so you can already start planning how you’ll be spending your money next year. Via UpTempoAir.
OMG!!!! 1st
The Infrared 6sz N The Olympicsz Will Be Major Coppsz For Me Yess
The Metallic Silver Ones Will Be Also Copped….Jordan Brand Isz Tryingta Come Back To Pleasing Us Sneakerheads
first!!!! whooo aj doin dem 6s right please doont touch em leave em infrareds and u will save the brand and my life!!!!!!
VI's will be dope…Feelin the spikes also. But why fusion 8's? Those will straight up be fugly.
shit never mind not first but still im lovin aj again derelearnin to please!
All I care about are the Infrared VIs
^^^ they aint Olympic 6's thr white and black 6's… still fresh tho… and them spizikes are fresh 2… but fusion 8's wtf is that about??? and wtf is that last shoe looks like a 13,20,23 fusion
damn….6s im coppin those..nd the spizikes
all i want is the infareds and the black and white 6's
Wow, Olympic 6s and Black Infrared 6s, it's about time! I just want 1 pair of each. The Jordan 2010 looks interesting, I can't wait to find out the price, maybe $200…!I'm not surprised about Fusions 8s and 1s. I think all the Jordans will be "fusioned". Ppl will be all over the 6s, I just hope they don't buy multiple pairs and re-sell on the 'Bay. Greed is evil, ppl!
Oh great, more 1s, why am I not surprised!
The 6s are looking mighty good though. I noticed that the price for the Jordan 2010 is still to be determined, we don't even know what it will really look like, but I am gonna guess it will cross the $200 price tag, it just keeps going up! I hope it will look better than the 2009. As far as the Icons and the Classic 91s, who is the knuckehead naming these shoes??? I am so tired of these Icons, Elements, Classic 91s, True Flights, Dub-Zeros, etc.
The names are not what bothers me, it's when they name the shoe that's all pieced together with some style of other Air Jordans.
They must really be running out of ideas!
spizikes are all I care about
BRED Spikes and two pair of VI's…… I jus wet my pants
man check out the 2010's they look interesting, i see some resemblance from the aj 20's. but ill definitely will be coppin those infrareds and also some fos spzikes…but forget all da 1's im tired of ones. and wat bout those fuzion 8's..they look fake straight up….man they need to stop wit all those fuzions will they still can…
well its not infared…. seen sample already its like a varisty red and its like all see thru-gel if u guys can remember theres like a line by the bubble (hard to explain) but its really different! blk and white six look alright, but the color sceme looks like the took it off canal street…..
Oh man Im shakin for those VI's!!! Finally. Its all about to come to an end.
Spizikes, Bred/Infrared & Olympic VI & Metallic Silver I High's is all I care about.
infareds will be a definate 1st overall cop, hopefully i can get enough classics to step out of the jordan game with over 200 pairs of jays its just too many shoes for one person to have.
Those white black VIs are the same colorway Warren Sapp balled in for the Raiders. I hope the black part is seude.
www "dot" media "dot" photobucket"dot"com/image/warren%20sapp%20jordans/escrima86/warrensappJays "dot" jpg
maybe I shoulda used this one cuz it seems like SF is sweatin me.
www "dot" sneakerfiles "dot" com/2007/05/08/warren-sapp-in-air-jordan-vi-turf/
better pic
www "dot" sneakerfiles "dot" com/wp-content/uploads/2007/03/jordan-vi-cleat-2 "dot" jpg
its lookin better JB for 2010!! i getting all the 6's and maybe the the cement spiz'ike's
damn tha aj1 price slowly going up.
i remember when it went $90 for the lo $100 mid & $105 hi
My bad, those aren't Olympic 6s, I misread it, they're White and Black. Could they be like the Motorsports 6s that I saw in Sole Collector, hmm? And the Black and Red 6s, if they're not the Infrared colorway, no matter… still getting them!
The Jordan 2010 might catch me by surprise, I noticed that the colorway will be Black, Varsity Red and White, finally a Bred colorway!!!
only the 6zz
These ARE the Sapps. Motorsport VI dont have black on the upper.
i want the bred VIs and metallic silver high 1s . . .
I know it's unclear in the picture, so please note that the colorway on the Air Jordan 6 is Black / Varsity Red, not Infrared.
Bred 6s is a good way to call them. My bad, I meant look "like" the Motorsports 6s, I never said they were the Motorsports!
Who knows? It might have patent leather, and then we'll know what it'll really look like!
Yes yes yes finally infrareds 6 returns I gotta copp double hell triple
If those 6s are White and Black, that colorway is new, it had never been retroed! Sapp wore the same ones with the Raiders?
Wow, whoever thought of it, that's GOOD KNOWLEDGE.
I can tell Keith is going to be one of those greedy ass buyers!!!
:( Must be a re-seller…
yo,those 6z r sexxy imma camp out forget tha rest…retail is bout 215 for da infaredz,and 200 for tha sapps!!!!PS:GOT DA HOOK UP IN SIZE 11!!!HIT ME UP!!!!
Thank God for 6's. Fusion 8's??? Lord have mercy. And the spizikes look aight. They look kinda fake.
I can not wait for those 6s. Those are all mine.
Enough with the air force/jordan stuff!!!!!!!!! I'll only cop the 6's
I'm lovin the VI's and the spizike's bur the 8 fushions need to go.Would it kill jordan brand to put some 11's on deck please
I just don't know what else to say about those Fusions 1 and 8s.
Jordan will Fusion all the Js, but I just know why they're doing it. They're awful looking and overpriced. I give up already. I guess Jordan is just not listening to the public. They're gonna Fusion all the Js, and whenever I will hear about it, I'll just roll my eyes!
YESSSS!! All I care about is the 6s & the Spizike.
:] probably gonna get 2 pairs each of the 6s!!
all i want are the 6s…
Sorry folks, my bad on calling the Infrared 6s "Infrared", they're called "Deep Infared". I just check my retro box and it indeed says that, if the pics are indeed the Infareds 6s. I am reading the description on the pic, it reads Black/Red, so maybe it's really a Bred, and not Infared, or Deep Infared!
I just checked the retro box on the Infared 6s, it says Black/Deep Infared. I have been calling them "Infrareds" and I have wrong, my bad. This pic says Black/Red, so are these really a Bred colorway then?
better hope those vi's arent international releases cause were gonna be some pissed sneaker
Hey, what's the difference between Infared and Varsity Red?
Varsity is more like almost dark, slightly. Infared is like… I can't explain it, but Hot Red is almost like Infared…
yes 6's are mine cant wait
bwahah AJF 8
^^^ you know, I thought that! The Hot Red makes sense to define the Infared. I knew that Varsity Red is the darker red version. That's GOOD KNOWLEDGE, Six!
i like the j's ima have all of them but i really wish they would give the new air jordan a number
omg this looks hot, love the spizikes
tinker is working on the Jordan 2010…gonna be sick to celebrate the 25th aniversary
Wow man. Bred Spizikes….. dang. bred 6s…… dang. I will be selling a pair of my Yeezys for those. Oh well, gotta do what I gotta do..
oman. let the hype begin on the infrareds.
Sick lineup but fuck fusion 8s really jst re-release all the retros nd make mad money nd damn spizikes nd olympic 6s nd the infared its goin to be an amazin year baby!!!!!
damnn did anyone notice the price on hos black spizikes $185..seems like everythihg is goin up now
the spizikes in the III colorway omg might be the best out.
those aint Olympic 6's!!! They r white/black!!!
8 FUSIONS?!?!?! Y?
those metallic 1's better live up to the quality of the og retro 1 +'s
I now know what people r talking about the Fire Red SPizike's r sick! as well a the Blk/Infrared/Cmnt Spizike's. I am aslo feeling the VI's even the JOrdan ALpha 1's r looking sick damn JB!.
omg i love those 6's
imma get 2 pair of black/red and other white/black Retro 6. and other Air Jordan Spi'zike!
congrats^69th comment
Can't wait for the 6s and the metallic 1s… the 6s that look like infrareds are the gaterade 6s, and the other ones are a new cw not olympic…
for the 10th time the bred VI's are not going to be 200+ theyll be 150 and white/black VI's will be 150..
The 6s are back!!!!
6's and even better the infrared 6
Jordan Brand is reviving its name. Nike 4 life!
ok coppin both 6's and both spiz'ikes!!! but y in da hell jb still on dis damn fusion shit plz STOP WIT DA DAMN FUSIONS!!!!!!!
lol at krayzie47… the jumpman on the back of those if they were to be retroed would kill the shoe… im gonna get my hands on the '00 infra-reds with the nike air check at the back… great sneaker
gonna buy out store when those 6's come out…believe that!!!!!
6s 3 pairs e bay!
Ok, what I wanna know is who started calling the Infrareds "Infrareds"? They're Infareds, after reading some ppl's comments, you all got me calling them Infrareds! Next is, do we really need ,more 1s? Come on Jordan, enough Fusions too, even though I know you're gonna Fusion every Jordan shoe. Just a dumb idea. And lastly, I hope you make the Jordan 2010 a better shoe. The 2009 was a piece of trash, and it's overpriced too. Hope you don't price the 2010 for something like $200 or $225… Jordan Brand, you're losing me as a loyal customer!!!
@ BIG DD my bad they look like the olympics
fusion 8s are u FACKIN kidin me .pleasee dont do it
those are infrared 6s it has the same exact color code as the 2000 infrareds.
copping both VI's infrared and black/white
can u believe it its $150
sz 8.5
see u in the line in january
Im only going for the Air Jordan 6's in both colorways and I might pick up that Air Jordan 1 Cool Grey and thats it . The AJF 8 are an easy pass even tho the VIII is my favorite jordan but it's a fusion and I don't need to cop em because I still got my Air Jordan 8's from '07.
PS I hope they retro the Air Jordan 6 September Blue and Maroons and Air Jordan Retro 7 Bordeaux in 2010 oh yeah and retro the 10's .
hate da fusion stuff originals are da best
16.5s? ehh. who remembers the 14.5s sketch i thought those were gonna b released n actually thought they were pretty tough
Do i see infrared's!!!?? VI's is where it's at in 2010
those retro 6 varsity red are official im coppin 2 pairs for sure
crazy happy rite now jordan infrared 6's drop on my b day coppin them for show
Its all about Sneaker files F…U..c…k The shoe game
Four pairz of infrared 6z will be bought
The jordan icons look like a mix of the 20z, 13z, and 23z, and even maybe the 15z, idk
jordan will need a new design shoe for 2010 becuzz the 2k9s suck ass. im not impressed with these photos, hope there is more to come;becuzz im a big fan of his shoes.
I HAte Jordans tehy are so f#%$#@ G#% I hate them more than I hate little people F#%$ B@#$% A## C$#$ F$#@
Yo 2010 is gone be stupid fresh more color combinations. Crazy shit can't wait