News has hit that former UConn star player Maya Moore will be Jordan Brands first female professional basketball player signed to the brand. Having played four years at UConn Maya has been talented enough to be the second women in NCAA history to have 1st All American honors for all four years. Now she will be honor to be the first female hoopster to be signed by Jordan Brand as she will play for the Minnesota Lynx. Who knows what Air Jordans she will pull out, maybe she will get her own Air Jordan shoe model like D.Wade. Just keep it locked with SneakerFiles for the latest, and let us know what you guys think about Maya signing with JB.
~ Soleless
Dope. Get Skylar Diggins too!!!!
please you expect guys to wear her stuff. unless you gay
First off, Kevin needs to cut that word out of his vocabulary. Second, there are women that buy Jordans. Third, I'm not saying dudes are gonna buy them, but I did see some fellas rockin the women's teal colored XIIIs.
Anyway, good for Maya. I was fortunate enough to meet her in LA and she's a very down to earth girl.
Good Job Maya!! You'll make beautiful things for all girls who have been wanting to buy Jordans stuff for the longest, and have had to settle with buying guy colorways, and shorts, and shirts.
Kevin youre just ignorant. it's okay.
nobody understands what i ment. its obvious that no true straight man will wear maya moores stuff except for ladies. and i never saw a real guy wearing female colors. unless he is g-ay. and im not using that word in a bad way never did. so shut up all you haters and listen b4 jumping to conclusions.
hopefully she will also be the 1st athlete signed to JB to actually get a nice sig line. God knows no1 else has…. (PE dont count)
When Swoopes and Holdsclaw had Nike sigs, dudes rocked them heavy. So why not now. I see guys wear Grade School AJs and Womens AJs all the time, no difference here, IMO.
Congrats Maya, i'm sure a sig is necessary for her
Since when was Fabolous gay, Kevin?…