K-Swiss has become a household name in regards to sneakers mainly due to its highly popular all-leather tennis shoe, the Classic. Before perfecting the Classic silhouette, K-Swiss created many prototypes with various canvas and textile materials. One of the prototypes was the K-Swiss Vintage California, which will be available in both a mid and low cut silhouette in 2010. Releasing for the first time in the past 20 years, the Vintage California will be available in a total of ten styles. The low-top and high-top styles will feature the same colorways, which range from a simple white and blue version to one with a more vivid green base with black and white accents. Relive a part of K-Swiss history by purchasing your pair. The The Vintage California CVS will retail for $50, whereas the The Vintage California Mid-T will be available for $55.
Hi! :) Is it OK if I ask something kinda off topic? I’m trying to view this page on my new iPad but it won’t show up properly, do you have any solutions? Should I try and find an update for my software or something? Thanks in advance! Jennine x :)
Where to order this high top and low cut canvas vintage of Kswiss