Greg Oden had signed a deal with Nike less than a month ago, now another big name out of the 2007 NBA Draft Kevin Durant is expect to sign a deal with Nike. The contract has been drawn up, but Kevin Durant has yet to sign it. For now, we know Adidas offered Kevin a big deal, larger than what Nike is offering him but Durant said he feels more comfortable with Nike. Kevin is said to wear Nike’s every day, but his mother and agent Aaron Goodwin are fans of the Adidas offer. Via CNBC.
Edit: Kevin Durant has signed a $60 Million dollar deal with Nike.
Man Thats a hard decision those are da 2 greatest shoeline out there!!
Man Thats a hard decision those are da 2 greatest athletic shoeline out there!!
just go with adidas if your geting more money play it smart adidas arnt that bad look at the tmac 6 hot shoe
he wore the nike air max enforcers for like 3 years…its a good shoe, i wear it and its a great shoe…stick with nike
I love Nike, but I think Kevin Durant should sign with Adidas. There's alreday enough great players with Nike. For example, there's Kobe, Lebron, and Greg Oden and I am not sure if you can include Dwayne Wade and Carmelo Anthony; their companies are owned by Nike. If he signed with Adidas, he could make more commercials with Gilbert Arenas after shooting all those NBA Live 08 commercials.
men..converse didnt hav a new player..bosh step up and no new player?!…com on converse!…
Truly there is only one shoe co. and its NIKE. And he will make more off the royalties with nike than with adidas just because it is nike. Just because more people are going to buy nike.
i think he should go with NIKE cuz their basketball sneakers r more famous and have better quality dan adidas(no disrispect 4 all da adidas lovers)and it dont matter how many people already signed with NIke as long as Kevin shows dat he's an allstar player and his shoes r hot dan dat shouldnt be no problem of taking him 2 da top
To be honest, i really like both of the co. but like some people have said, whateva shoe he likes, and wear the most he should go with that co. Even though there is a possibilty that he wont make as much, cause they're are a lot of other players that signed with Nike. Only way that he'll make big bucks with Nike is if he come out with some cold ass killah AF1's first. Like Rasheed.
I thiink he should be in JORDAN team….. that'll be hella tight…..
^^^same here that would be awesome. He would definetely make a great addition to the Jordan team.
sign w/ nike.. some one needs to take the XXII pe's since Allen and Lewis are gone
Jordan team will be great but between nike and addidas he should go wit addidas
that wat up hope ur kickz hot
i think he should jus sign up wit nike 1st he worn nike 4 so long 2nd nike well make his shoe a hit (unless dey come out lik da kobe 3s dam those r ugly) nd 3rd nike jus bad ina good way look at jordan he came out wit nike in '85 even though he retired his shoe is still bad
nike might make him nice shoes to start but would probably ruin them in the long run like kobe and lebron
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