As we draw closer to the end of the month, 2013 can almost be put into its proper perspective. With one last high profile release on tap to drop from the folks over at Jordan Brand in 2013, all of you sneakerheads will see this release on the “Infrared23” Air Jordan 3Lab5 on December 31st. While many can already consider this year a huge success for Jordan Brand, could this release but that success over the top? Check out some fresh new photos of this upcoming release and be sure to let us know if you plan on copping these kicks when they release.
Air Jordan 3Lab5
Black/Infrared 23
– to much money .__.
*world implodes*
they tight as hell but not worth $225
I need these
Danny Gold yan d nga ata ung 3lab5
I really want these Jasmyne Woods
Ew Seth Montgomery these are ugly
Psh no thet fresh af ya bish Jasmyne Woods love
Isabella Ochoa
Don’t use my boo’s term ya bish. I should fuck with the Gammas. Seth Montgomery ya bish
^^ $225 is what they sayin tho Jasmyne Woods ya bish
They kome out the 31st
They still ugly af ya bish!!!
Way better lookin than the Oreos ya bish Jasmyne Woods
Carlos Quintero
You sick!!!! They def don’t, you’re just still salty ya bish Seth Montgomery
Kevin Laranang hihi
6 ponts AIR fly
how much r these
225 bucks but damn they’re dope
Have to get
These are sexy af ! Gammas aint shit lmao
Boixos AntiMadridista on the hit list dawg Ty Walker
tooo much
$225 smh
U balling..u got it! lol
About 240 after taxes and shipping…I’m good
Lmao! that just means nobody else is going to cop them
We will see
here I come again
Francis Ngawati these are the ones…
Naomi Hoffrichter you could get me these.
Them mfs is hard
ima get this too
When they drop
I think new years
Keep dreaming Geoff Hoffrichter lol
Oooooh shit!! Them bitches cold.
crazy !
Lol this put a smile on my face thx!!!
Release on December 31
Omfg babe buy me these
I’d be curious to know how many releases is that for the year?…
I want a pair
Geoff Hoffrichter I as gonna give this a miss but I’ll log in when they go on sale haha I wasn’t gonna but now u have confirmed I will haha
Now these mf’ers are sick! 2 bad I can’t afford them. :'(
I wanna be like everyone else. Buy a pair and resell them for $400. LOL
Checkah Andrew Arroyo
I like! !!!
nyahaha! :D
When they drop
Supa clean Jeremy Troutman Kevin Maseratistuntin Adams
Dam them hard asl oms
This is u Chance :-)
Gotta do a red one with black mid and grey shark teeth
Those are wussup!
Badly need that pair!!!!
Brittany SheBadd this would be a perfect gift
I’m waitn in line now!
I don’t know if I like them I need to see them in person
Wen they comingout?
How much
You tripping.
Doc Smalls you like these o_O
220 a pair and they come out this sat
That’s if u get a pair
They saved the best for last..
Kikes Maldad
These come out today
Ramiro Alvarez u shuld get these
Where they available from?
I want these mf boab
Lito Sanchez
Must Cope Em!
Paul Mendez
Yaw talkin business ryt there.
Briana Amy Trunzo dope
Shen Fresita these I want
Faiza Ben
Them r hard as fuck
Sick asf
I want this my gurl gunna kill me 250a pair watch..
I got those last week………..get at me
Dang, That’s cool I want one, I’m still looking for Jordan 13 , :0)
Jordan builds jails in Louisiana with the money he makes from these sneakers ..
Michael Barrera
I might have to get these !
Cecilia Chavez
Nice I want to get these
Alex Torres
The sneaks are hot fa’sho!
2013=Year of the 5s
– for $2OO … naa .
250? My hart say yeah but my wallet says no.
i love em
thats slick
Thimo Ja der schmeckt
Pass! I got the bred1’s today! BOOM!
See they are black not green Corey Robinson and Zy’Shonne Burch
Yes they are Bishop Diehl
That is black!!!! Zy’Shonne Burch
Noooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!! Bishop Diehl
No 23 on tge the side and their suppose to be retro, ill pass leave these for the hypebeasts
Cant wait to get them !
Steven Matthewscheck this out, my next and last pick up for 2013
Nice I want these
mag kanoyan
Ima get them
Damion Hardware
Daisy Montana the taxis are mine but u can get these
They look good Anthony
Fohh they ugly
Das butters
Michael T
They baaaadd
them hoes live af
Got. 2 have these
the blue part just ruins it! FUCK!!!
So dam hot
Got them who wants sz 10.5 DS og all pm me offers
Got Sz10 if u need them Pm me i won raffle ticket .
I want and need these. Wen do they come out
Not real retros. Pass on those but they are clean.
Danm those are fucking fresh doe
Trav Ittu its an icy soul
yr rahul mujhe dila de ye shoes…
damn those are so sick!!!!!
JJ Escobedo Dude
Good way to end the year
Roue Go
Why r u always taking pictures of shoes?
I flkin want doze !!
Their ugly
These resellers are lame as hell. Take a look at the price i paid for my 3Lab5’s Infrareds and the price the resellers trying to charge. Sneaker heads you be the judge on this one.
no no no no
what name ?
Christian Soria Kayden Romero :( these are so clean Wish I had them :(