Regarded as one of the NBA’s greatest players of all time, Michael Jordan’s presence is still being felt both on and off the hardwood. While his free throw line dunks and game winning shots are still classic moments that will never be forgotten, Jordan remains relevant thanks to his highly sought after sneakers. Whether it’s a brand new colorway or a retro of an original, the Air Jordan line continues to expand its range as it grows with the new generation of sneakerheads. With this growth and continued adaptation, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that MJ raked in a huge amount of profit as Forbes reports that Jordan made $90 Million dollars last year. With all the sneakers on tap to release this year, don’t be shocked if Jordan does it all over again this year.
via Forbes
Sooooooo…….. he a legend of course
Poor guy..
#thankstoresellers #fuckem
Motivation MJ is a genius
SJ Junior, Paul Leveque, Antonio Cobb, Nobodys Fool EverAgain, Lawrence Carbonell.
jordan brand made 2.25 billion last year and he earned 90 million thats barely 5% so all these kids getting robbed, trampled, shot, killed over a product you attach your name to for 5% somebody is getting rich as hell off of MJ: how the hell do you own Jordan Brand and you only get 5%
And blacks still killing blacks. What has he done to support the black community with that 90 million dollars it’s a shame. You have little kids saving their last dollar to buy these sneakers and he could lower the prices for these kids..
Why the fuck should he support the black community with this money?!? ^ that’s racist
Stick with replicas. Feel and look the same. Plus theres money to be made.
Money maker….good for him…:)
Junior Murcio
Eddie Redice its a whites man world when a blak man only owns 5% to his name in a produkt, don’t know how that worked but its to bad, I’m down for a riot
Denise Terri
aus den sei lebn möcht ich hobn -_- Marco Stahlmann
HK Chiu Montana Livin thanks to us lol especially Ricky Rick lol
Good for him!
He surely do get my money! F it!
Alejandro Zepeda Adan Zepeda Aguilar
All these young potna’s buying Jordan’s – talking about Jordan was the best ever — never saw him play – dropping 2 bills on retros . Give MJ props on marketing – that’s what Kobe, lebron and KD are doing now ….
I don’t think they will ever come close to the Jordan brand.
Your welcome my smh
Me too
Dis Guy….
Robert Morris this is the one who profits on me buying all the J’s
who’s looking to make RESIDUAL income while saving and managing your money? ADD me then MESSAGE me…
Sport hard …
Damn shoe game sick!