Every day comes closer to the re-release of the Adidas Retro EQT B-Ball in some very interesting color ways. Each EQT has its signature trademark removable sock liner, but this time around Adidas will add different materials like 3M and a see through toe box. Via macgyver35.
were can i get some them kicks is fresh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Were can I get some!!!!!!!!
do yall sell just the socks
thank god ya'll brought em' back!!
I've been waiting a long time for these to come back, I remember buying these in '95 I had like 4 of the liners (red, black, silver and blue). These were probably the most comfortable shoes I ever sported. Good to see them make the comeback. Where they at though ?
does anyone know where ican still get these at i need some more cuz the only colors they have in my part of nj is the black and white
these sneakers are mad fake!!!
do they make the blue and white ones for males or females
These are not Fake fool.. Call Adidas, they can confirm the re-release. You can find them at Leaders in Chicago (South Side on Cottage Grove & 44th)
$130. Adidas dosen't sell the sock seperate, but as shown above, each pair comes with two pairs of sock inserts.
Talk about what you know, not what you think!
where can i get the turquoise and purple ones
I have a brand new pair. W/Box and both inserts. Brand new in a 10.5.
Where can I get the all black ones? Black outer and black liner. Sz. 7.5.
check pickyourshoes.com
these are clearly the shoes of the year and im gonna buy like three pairs of tops
they sell them @ foot Locker && FootAction
they are not fake
but im madd cuz they aint have the see thru onesz in my size ;[
the lowest size they had waz an 8 && imma 6
where can i get some red black & white ones ??
Where can I find thos red ones at!?