Coming very soon is the Converse Wade 2.0. At the moment Dwayne Wade is wearing the Wade 1.3, but the Converse Wade 2.0 will take over early to middle 2007. Via ethanlee29.
Coming very soon is the Converse Wade 2.0. At the moment Dwayne Wade is wearing the Wade 1.3, but the Converse Wade 2.0 will take over early to middle 2007. Via ethanlee29.
looks promising!! but whats up with the rose etches on the side
this is the best shoe ever, even better than jordans!
These are the best Wade's so far. The 1.0's are tight but these may just be the best.
These shoes are the coolest new shoes out!!
these r some tight shoes….im def. coppin these
dang dem mugs tight
i hav dez shoes and they r nice. there totally pimpin.
and for those people who r wondering y theres rosed on da shoe it represents the love he has for the game
this shoes are tight there one of the best shoes from Dwayne wade yet his others are tight but dez shoes are better better than jordans.
dez shoesz r poppin…im fa shur coppin dem kicksz fo my man! datsz a fa shur thing! doubt bout dat..
these are the grimmiest shoes i ever wore u should buy them they are better than wade 1.3
dude the reason these shoes has rose cause they say that wade is nice off court..but when his in court his deadly…
hey hey hey!!…dun dese luk familiar to umm d ans xn'z??
I'm french and i've this shoes !
They're good but i prefer "Jordan" ^^
I really don't have anything to say about shoes…… I just felt like typing words on here because its free unlike the ones on You Tube.
Alright, to me the shoes on here look pretty good. But, I got other sneakers from Converse that looked awesome only that didn't last that long. SoI'm not sure about these even though mine were really comfortable.
hello my name is poopy
Thought I would comment and say cool theme, did you create it for yourself? It looks awesome!
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Me too, thanks for posting this..
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I agree, thanks for sharing this..
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