When I first saw pictures of the Nike BB 2 I first thought of the Nike Zoom Kobe III. I have read a lot of arguments to which shoe looks better, but the main thing is they are practically the same. The Nike BB 2 features Zoom Air, light weight uppers for running up and down the court. A release date is not known yet, but we will have one soon.
I agree wiy brenan i like these but I dont agree on takin off da swoosh cuz then it would b 2 plain…
i agree wid kiao, and nick.
A LOT better then those Kobes.
if the stitchin in front of the heel toe was gone, and the white stitching going all the way around the shoe was gone, then the shoe would look descent.
these definitely look better than the fishnet zoom kobe IIIs
Huarache 2K4 X Zoom Glove X Flightposite = that shoe
looks like the kobes but look way better cus the kobe got that gayass nettin on them
These may just take me out of the Kobe/Huarache line. All I need to do is try them on and I may as well put money down. Looks like an awesome balling shoe!
the first one is better!!
they look good actually but uhmm.. is this ur new style for basketball shoes? i mean, should it really be that high like above those ankles? no offense though, they good but they look like boxing shoes or some of that Chuck Taylor all star HIs if yah know wat im sayin.. bring back the midcuts and "JUST THE RIGHT" hicuts..
oh and by the way, the design of this shoe is pretty awesome man! good work nike! i wish these r dem kobe 3's so i dont have to catch fish this winter.. ya dig? "how are you doing?" lol
Please come out with something better. The messed up thing is that big bad nike is going to charge some out landish price for those ugly things.
Come on people lets demand better sneakers, and better disgned sneakers.
After all some of you are taking your pay checks buying these ugly craps.
God help them if every shoe big bad nike makes looks like the new kobes.
I am not buying until the product gets better.
I guess it's all up to Micheal Jordan and his crew to make money for nike.
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Not bad. Just wish it had the Free sole like the Kobe's do.
These are quite nice, and Kobe Bryant is quite homosexual.
those look better then dem ugly ass kobes
those r tighter than the kb's
i think these r sick n they look comfy
im diggin the suede
i would buy them
they should make these the kobe 3's
ZOOM BB 2 ???? the back side look like K3
switch! let these be kobe's and the kobe's be bb's
i hope nike double checks on kobe bryants 3rd shoe and make this the final product of kobe 3, just put his sik triangular-like logo in there somewhere and his name logo, DONE!
i think their quite a nice design
does anyone know if ginobili wears these
and whys everyone love kobe so much
no disrespect or anything i know hes good but he's a ballhog and theirs other amazing players in the league
nice work nike
SHANE kobe is a one man team , and guys screw you i like the kobe 3s and so do all my friends there friken sweet , and kobe is amazing and hes the best
the other one that everybody likes is LEBRON atleast in marshfield wisconsin
Kobe3 and ZoomBB, they all nice. I just wish they would lower the price. Still, like the shoes. Good work Nike! Keep 'em comin'!
^Amen to that. I bought the Zoom BB I a while back and they’re awesome. I like these too, but I want to find one for a lower price.
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