With the popularity of Foam-based kicks currently at an all-time high, it’s amazing that this Air Flightposite One has yet to see the light of day.
Similar to the OG metallic silver/black colorway, these sport a dope black and blue “Comet” look throughout the Foamposite shell upper.
Checkout this unreleased sample and let us know in the replies: If these were to see the light of day, would you try to get your hands on a pair?
Via kenlu.
My favorite shoe of ALL-Time but if they butcher it with this colorway just keep them in the Vault. Release some OG colorways and Maybe a new legit colorway or 2. I saw a spacejam version that I would love to see release.
At second Glance these are Nice,lol, I just cant help but love this sneaker Model, If these dropped I’d pay a retail $180 for them and not a penny more. point blank period.
We all saw those rainbow galaxy samples that were kinda meh. If they clean this sample up like they did with the galaxies, these kicks will be straight fire.
These are the JKidds from the Nike morph line on some foams. Someone just put the 2 together. Can’t create a new idea so they overkill one.
@Matt Cosighn I knew that design looked familiar. I almost bought a pair but I got the pippen skins instead.
these are possibly uglier than the galaxies. which were fuckin ugly. but shit, different people like different stuff.
if it were to look more like a comet, make them limited, “not galaxy foam limited unless theres a reason for that” and something kool like a hangtag or something then i would cop