Don’t go and spend your life savings just yet, the Nike Air Foamposite One ‘Galaxy’ is supposed to see a re-release soon enough.
For the locations that were shut down, the inventory will eventually be sold via raffle in most of the locations where canceled releases took place. Around March/ April we will see another limited release of the Galaxy Foamposite which will hit a slightly wider spread release as it will be available all NikeTown and House of Hoops locations.
This information has been said to be confirmed, but who knows, so stay tuned for updated info as it comes.
Thank god…I’m ready
Copping 2
Dammit Nike, I might just have to pass on the LeBron “Swingman”
Im not even excited, nike will prolly do some dumb sh*t with the release and all these hype beasts will be there. I go to school and work, cant wait in line for a week….
As usual, somehow someway they will kcuf it up again!
aw reddy!!
Im copping mos def… Lol
nikes new chance to break all our hearts. hey nike if you really wanna make it up to all ur loyal costumers. make an online release. then that will proove to us that really give a sh-t….
excuse me. then that will proove you really care.
They should make it a GR period!
YES ! thats how i feel
hopefully this proves true, x2 on the loyal customer comment. maybe Nike will finally take into account that they charge $220 for a shoe that they pay someone $1.50 per hour to make.
I swear if I hear one more dumb jackass use the “charging $220 for a shoe it cost $10 to make” logic I might start shooting people. For you simple minded dumbasses, there is a lot more involved in a shoe creation then the manufacturing cost. You have research, design, and development costs, shipping costs, and promotional costs. Plus if we all remember the catalog scans this very website put up last year, Nike was charging retailers $100 for (at that time) $200 MSRP Foamposites. So that last $100 you were paying wasn’t going to Nike, it was going to Footlocker / Footaction / Finish Line / Eastbay…etc. Stop bitching and use some common sense idiots.
then that logic follows every shoe that Nike produces…but they only charge $95 for the KDs. your rambling makes sense. so is Nike only charging retailers $40 for the KDs? I doubt it…
Actually they are charging pretty close to that. My best friend is the manger of a DTLR store and I’ve actually seen the store cost sheet. Nike charges retailers roughly 50 -60% of the MSRP price on the box. On top of that, Nike will often make shoes “RTV” (Return To Vendor) at Footaction then turn around and resell these shoes to other retailers for a discounted price which the retailers will then sell for whatever price they wish. Most retailers aim to sell at least half their run the first week the shoe releases. At this point they have broke even and everything after that is profit. This is why stores such as DTLR will start discounting shoes within weeks of the shoes release. If a shoes retails for $160 and you’ve already broken even on your costs, why not discount it to $139.99 and sell the rest out for 100% profit?
are you dumb? do you think anything a store sells they sell at cost? they are in business to make money…. do you think a vegetable you can grow from a seed in your yard should cost a dollar or two??? or how about a bottle of water for 1.25 to the 5 dollar bottle of water? you really think that tap water costs that much? most bottle water is just tap water if you read the bottles… a shoe that cost 220 doesnt mean nike is getting 220 … think of all the shoes nike makes and and how many dont sell for shit… they must make it up on other shoes… why do you think the foamposites were limited 3000 because the hype would bring attention to other shoes and would also help pay for other shoes that are lacking… its not as simple as just making a shoe for 10 dollars… you have logistics and labor … like dude said you have to ship it you must pay taxes you must pay workers you pay for facilities and what about endorsements and marketing? go take a business class or two and you will find out about costs and things no one charges you cost on something they make or do … its simple if you dont understand that then you dont understand the world economy or world market…
of course nike makes huge profits …. did you know nike is on the fortune 500 … of course they will make huge profits…walmart is number 1 on the list and they sell everything relatively cheap yet they make huge profits… exxon mobile which is number has 16billion in profits per year but there barrels cost about 100 a piece doesnt seem that much but when you produce 6+ million barells per day you are talking huge profits … nike has stores in almost every country of course they will make big profits… you werent telling me anything i didnt already know….
lol thumbs up to “SEth”…Fail for “Roosevelt”
NIKE better not hit me with that twitter bullshit again or 21 mercer. THIS whole month i got no sleep, waiting hours on lines, and running in the streets. just to pay retail on some hot kicks.
Im not guna get gassed till there’s a confirmed release date,they already restocked
Them in new York on 34th street yestetday,like really?,give some
To the dn hoh that got zero pairs like Boston…cum on miles be fair
It has been confirmed that Nike will be doing a re-release of the foamposite galaxy in late March.
rumor has it that if they release them again theyre not going to have glow in the dark soles and MAYBE nike would cancel campouts
I heard that foamfreak is right. No more glowing sole