While we have all seen our fair share of Yeezy-inspired customs, we haven’t seen one as detailed and intuitive as this pair of “Yeezus” Nike Air Foamposite Pro’s by Mr Exclusive Customs. In drawing inspiration from Kanye’s ‘Yeezus’ album, Mr Exclusive Customs transformed a pair of “Pearl” Foamposite Pros into a true one of a kind masterpiece. Aside from dying the black suede lace strips red, he also painted the Nike Swoosh on the side panel pearl, hand-painted the white crackling on the fiber plating and used a 23k gold leafing on the Swooshes that occupy both the toe box and the tab as well. Upon further examination, all of you sneakerheads will see that this pair of customs tells a story of epic proportions that propels these kicks to a whole other class that is truly all its own. Read on on after the jump to check out a detailed look at Mr Exclusive Customs latest body of work and be sure to drop us a line in the comments section below.
via Mr Exclusive Customs
Cool but wouldn’t wear them arty
Lmaoo this is fire !! ^ lol u cant even fit these if thats the case u got big feet for a woman
they looking so nice
Almost like the corks concept imo !
this is art and creativity at its finest !!
Stupid what’s da point paint on pearl foams damm hypebeast smh concept doesn’t make any sence day should of been done on yeezys
I need these are they real
Awesome Kickz!!! :)
Like a mural was done on a pair of shoes. Dope imo.
…………these look worse than the fighter jets lol it could have been way better Javier
The design and artwork is awesome, but the show its self, it looks horrible.. Would have been much better on some dunks
Styvenson GoHard
Ugly shits..
smh naw.
lol at the tape