We had some time tonight so we decided to throughly update out Nike Air Force 1 Release Dates page. The releases start from April and go through June. The Air Force 1s coming in the next month are more colorful, and of course the City Series from Baltimore, Philly and NYC. Stop by and remember to tell a friend.
they fresh as hell kid
they all hot
heyyy . any way you could possibly give me the style code or model number?
please .
i got the red one for 95 at flightclub. I lost the metal thing and the shoe lace metal part too =++=
i like this place alot its a real nice shindig you gotts here, yeah i really like
this may have nothing to do with anything but i dont like this place. your not very good at helping me find show places i think i'll stick to sneakerhead.com punk!!!!
a booboo you want another picnic basket.
i bet your wondering how come you keep geting these messages. WELL there from me gottcha foullyo(i'm pop locking in front of the computer as i laugh at you.
i'm getting tired of this place and i dont think im coming back.
this one go's out to chris you still look like winnie pooh when you get mad
shut up queen i dont care if you got all them damn shoes shove em in your mouth and let people look, and kikitsa you dumb for losing the metal peace you should have left it in there.
when i said the last comment i was talking about yo punk ass jackie about losing the metal piece stuppidd.
dirty stank feet jackie and queen