What we have here is the Nike Air Force 1 XXV City park series – Cloverdale Park Courts Baltimore, which Carmelo Anthony would frequently visit. As part of the release Nike will pay the city, also their is a possibility Nike will release some clothing that will feature Cloverdale Park. Also the city will be paid a minimum of $10,000 plus royalties for products sold. Via Samplekickz.
Nike Reppin Bmore AGAIN Look at that. I need 2 get those
That is what I am talking about B-More city is where it is. AF-1 are the perfect shoe to rep b-more. I jusr wish Nike would make a off the chain court in my hood
Check it; AF1 Baltimore's in the maroon and white are available at SHOEBACCA.com CHEAP! Go there and the easiest way to find 'em is to search but the shoe's number, in this case 315122-811. Not sure if they're getting any other colorways but these are sweet. even have the 410 on the back to rep Baltimore. Good stuff.