Yet another Olympic themed model has found its way to the internet, the Nike Air Force 180. Reported to be a House of Hoops Exclusive, this Air Force 180 is made up of the traditional Team U.S.A colors, white/navy/metallic silver/team red. This soft combination has been recycled numerous times over the past few weeks, but considering the background of the Air Force 180, it really fits nicely and ties things together. Now available at LTD Online.
dope/ps u swallow my skeet if comment after me
ARGHHH release some 180's in Europe Nike….I'd cop
Hey KOOL you fucking loser, why don't you just right 1st like all the other chumps out there.
i like these alot
a must buy
to me, the other olympic 180's are better
ying u b1tCh a$$ stoP trYinG to sell pPl fake Sh1t aNd stfu
Oh aNd D0P3 180'S =P