“This project is exciting to me because it brings together three very passionate audiences: the Parkinson’s community, the sneakerheads and Back to the Future fans.” – Michael J. Fox.
Yes, the time is finally here. Perhaps the craziest commotion in a span of 24 hours on a single sneaker’s pending release information has finally ended. As Nike’s very first rechargeable sneaker, the Nike Air Mag 2011 will feature a glowing LED panel and an electroluminescent Nike logo on the strap. Off a single charge, the Nike Air Mag 2011 will glow for an estimated 5 hours.
The Nike Air Mag 2011, an identical replica of the original Nike Air Mag worn by Michael J. Fox as Marty McFly in the film “Back to the Future II”, will be auctioned off on eBay at nikemag.eBay.com. Exactly 1500 pairs will be auctioned off and all proceeds from the sales will go to the Michael J. Fox Foundation starting tonight at 8:30 PST. 150 pairs will be on auction each day with each listing lasting 10 days. After publicly announcing his battle with Parkinson’s Disease, Michael J. Fox is hoping to raise awareness of the disease and gain support for his foundation. Whether or not you approve of such a release, this is an “event” for a great cause done the right way by Nike. As an added plus and acting as a more formal introduction to the Nike Air Mag, Michael J. Fox himself will appear on David Letterman later tonight to further discuss information surrounding this unprecedented event in sneaker history.
good cause but damn nike you’re killing me! wish it was more like 20000 pairs…
If dey really wanna help dey should make em a general release
lol help who if they released 20,000 pairs at 200 thats 400,000 bux at the rate they’re going at 5,000+ a pop at 150 pairs thats 750,000 and everyone aint buyin them high ass space shoes HYPEBEAST they been talkin bout thaty for so long and ppl hyped them shits are not hot they knee highs for guys C’MON SON!!! But with 1 pair already up to 75,000.00 dollars (as noted by sneakerfiles) they will blow out any money they would raise as a general release plus this is a collectors shoe imagine wearing them and suddenly it rains without warning??!!! ZAP lmao BOTTOM LINE less shoes manufactured less mistakes on the shoes better quality finally nike understands what LIMITED RELEASE means but im sure they will general release a pair that doesnt light up for you fiends
This shoe will never be a general release but when it do release in 2015 I garentee it’s gonna be limited for around 3 to 400$ campout mode for a week